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To reduce infrastructure and enhance access to patient care, the consolidation of the co-located DENBN and Naval Dental Center (NDC) under one commanding officer, one executive officer, and one command master chief was accomplished at the three dental battalions at Okinawa, Camp Pendelton, and Camp Lejeune in July 1994. Each commanding officer is also responsible for each branch dental clinic under his or her region. A nickname for this title is "Blue/Green," meaning the commanding officer is responsible for both the shore-based ("Blue") Dental Treatment Facilities (DTFs) and the FMF Battalion ("Green"). Figure 12-7 illustrates the organization of a Consolidated Dental Battalion/Naval Dental Center.


The H&S Company is responsible to the commanding officer of the DENBN for coordination of administrative and logistical support for all elements of the DENBN.


Each DENBN consists of three dental companies (DENCO), which provide clinical support, and a headquarters and service company (H&S CO), which provides administrative and logistical support.

The DENCOs are designed to provide dental support to a major subordinate element of the MEF. One company is in support of the MARDIV, one in support of the MAW, and the other in support of the FSSG. Table 12-2 illustrates each of the four DENBNs and the DENCOs assigned to them.

Figure 12-6.\FMF Dental Battalion (DENBN).

Figure 12-7.\Consolidated Dental Battalion/Naval Dental Center.


Dental field equipment and supplies are items needed by the DENBN to carry out its mission of dental support in the field. These materials are on the authorized dental allowance lists (ADALs). The ADALs consist of a dental operatory set (ADAL 662) and a dental clinic set (ADAL 664).

The basic outfit for a dental officer (dental equipment set, operating field) is an assembly of dental equipment and supplies functionally packed in sets, kits, and outfits for convenience of handling.

When the DENBN goes into field operations, it must have certain nontechnical items of equipment to function properly. This equipment is listed in the table of equipment (T/E) (Marine Corps allowance list) and includes such items as tents, desk sets, and so forth.


All Dental Technicians who serve with the FMF attend a class "C" school for the Navy Enlisted Classification Code (NEC) 8707 for Field Service Dental Technician. This has been discussed in chapter 1, "General Administration and Orientation."

All Navy personnel who serve with the FMF are eligible to earn the Navy Fleet Marine Force Ribbon.

Western Governors University

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