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(Cont.) Enclosed-Surrounded by a case, housing, fence or walls which will prevent persons from accidentally contacting energized parts. Enclosure-The case or housing of apparatus, or the fence or walls surrounding an installation to prevent personnel from accidentally contacting energized parts, or to protect the equipment from physical damage. Equipment-A general term including material, fittings, devices, appliances, fixtures, apparatus, and the like, used as a part of, or in connection with, an electrical installation. Equipment grounding conductor-See "Grounding conductor, equipment." Explosion-proof apparatus-Apparatus enclosed in a case that is capable of withstanding an explosion of a specified gas or vapor which may occur within it and of preventing the ignition of a specified gas or vapor surrounding the enclosure by sparks, flashes, or explosion of the gas or vapor within, and which operates at such an external temperature that it will not ignite a surrounding flammable atmosphere. Exposed-(As applied to live parts.) Capable of being inadvertently touched or approached nearer than a safe distance by a person. It is applied to parts not suitably guarded, isolated, or insulated. (See "Accessible" and "Concealed.") Exposed-(As applied to wiring methods.) On or attached to the surface or behind panels designed to allow access. [See "Accessible. (As applied to wiring methods.)"] Exposed-(For the purposes of 1926.408(d), Communications systems.) Where the circuit is in such a position that in case of failure of supports or insulation, contact with another circuit may result. Externally operable-Capable of being operated without exposing the operator to contact with live parts. Feeder-All circuit conductors between the service equipment, or the generator switchboard of an isolated plant, and the final branch-circuit overcurrent device. Festoon lighting-A string of outdoor lights suspended between two points more than 15 feet (4.57 m) apart. Fitting-An accessory such as a locknut, bushing, or other part of a wiring system that is intended primarily to perform a mechanical rather than an electrical function. Fuse-(Over 600 volts, nominal.) An overcurrent protective device with a circuit opening fusible part that is heated and severed by the passage of overcurrent through it. A fuse comprises all the parts that form a unit capable of performing the prescribed functions. It may or may not be the complete device necessary to connect it into an electrical circuit. Ground-A conducting connection, whether intentional or accidental, between an electrical circuit or equipment and the earth, or to some conducting body that serves in place of the earth. Grounded-Connected to earth or to some conducting body that serves in place of the earth. Grounded, effectively (Over 600 volts, nominal.)-Permanently connected to earth through a ground connection of sufficiently low impedance and having sufficient ampacity that ground fault current which may occur cannot build up to voltages dangerous to personnel. Grounded conductor-A system or circuit conductor that is intentionally grounded. Grounding conductor-A conductor used to connect equipment or the grounded circuit of a wiring system to a grounding electrode or electrodes. Grounding conductor, equipment-The conductor used to connect the noncurrent-carrying metal parts of equipment, raceways, and other enclosures to the system grounded conductor and/or the grounding electrode conductor at the service equipment or at the source of a separately derived system. Grounding electrode conductor-The conductor used to connect the grounding electrode to the equipment grounding conductor and/or to the grounded conductor of the circuit at the service equipment or at the source of a separately derived system. Ground fault circuit interrupter-A device for the protection of personnel that functions to deenergize a circuit or portion thereof within an established period of time when a current to ground exceeds some predetermined value that is less than that required to operate the overcurrent protective device of the supply circuit. Guarded-Covered, shielded, fenced, enclosed, or otherwise protected by means of suitable covers, casings, barriers, rails, screens, mats, or platforms to remove the likelihood of approach to a point of danger or contact by persons or objects. Hoistway-Any shaftway, hatchway, well hole, or other vertical opening or space in which an elevator or dumbwaiter is designed to operate. Identified (conductors or terminals)-Identified, as used in reference to a conductor or its terminal, means that such conductor or terminal can be recognized as grounded. Identified (for the use)-Recognized as suitable for the specific purpose, function, use, environment, application, etc. where described as a requirement in this standard. Suitability of equipment for a specific purpose, environment, or application is determined by a qualified testing laboratory where such identification includes labeling or listing. Insulated conductor-See "Conductor." Interrupter switch-(Over 600 volts, nominal.) A switch capable of making, carrying, and interrupting specified currents. Intrinsically safe equipment and associated wiring-Equipment and associated wiring in which any spark or thermal effect, produced either normally or in specified fault conditions, is incapable, under certain prescribed test conditions, of causing ignition of a mixture of flammable or combustible material in air in its most easily ignitable concentration. Isolated-Not readily accessible to persons unless special means for access are used. Isolated power system-A system comprising an isolating transformer or its equivalent, a line isolation monitor, and its ungrounded circuit conductors. Labeled-Equipment or materials to which has been attached a label, symbol or other identifying mark of a qualified testing laboratory which indicates compliance with appropriate standards or performance in a specified manner. Lighting outlet-An outlet intended for the direct connection of a lampholder, a lighting fixture, or a pendant cord terminating in a lampholder. Listed-Equipment or materials included in a list published by a qualified testing laboratory whose listing states either that the equipment or material meets appropriate standards or has been tested and found suitable for use in a specified manner. Location a. Damp location-Partially protected locations under canopies, marquees, roofed open porches, and like locations, and interior locations subject to moderate degrees of moisture, such as some basements. b. Dry location-A location not normally subject to dampness or wetness. A location classified as dry may be temporarily subject to dampness or wetness, as in the case of a building under construction. c. Wet location-Installations underground or in concrete slabs or masonry in direct contact with the earth, and locations subject to saturation with water or other liquids, such as locations exposed to weather and unprotected. Mobile X-ray-X-ray equipment mounted on a permanent base with wheels and/or casters for moving while completely assembled. Motor control center-An assembly of one or more enclosed sections having a common power bus and principally containing motor control units. Outlet-A point on the wiring system at which current is taken to supply utilization equipment. Overcurreut-Any current in excess of the rated current of equipment or the ampacity of a conductor. It may result from overload (see definition), short circuit, or ground fault. A current in excess of rating may be accommodated by certain equipment and conductors for a given set of conditions. Hence the rules for overcurrent protection are specific for particular situations. Overload-Operation of equipment in excess of normal, full load rating, or of a conductor in excess of rated ampacity which, when it persists for a sufficient length of time, would cause damage or dangerous overheating. A fault, such as a short circuit or ground fault, is not an overload. (See "Overcurrent.") Pauelboard-A single panel or group of panel units designed for assembly in the form of a single panel; including buses, automatic overcurrent devices, and with or without switches for the control of light, heat, or power circuits; designed to be placed in a cabinet or cutout box placed in or against a wall or partition and accessible only from the front. (See "Switchboard.") Portable X-ray-X-ray equipment designed to be hand-carried. Power fuse-(Over 600 volts, nominal.) See "Fuse." Power outlet-An enclosed assembly which may include receptacles, circuit breakers, fuseholders, fused switches, buses and watt-hour meter mounting means; intended to serve as a means for distributing power required to operate mobile or temporarily installed equipment. Premises wiring system-That interior and exterior wiring, including power, lighting, control, and signal circuit wiring together with all of its associated hardware, fittings, and wiring devices, both permanently and temporarily installed, which extends from the load end of the service drop, or load end of the service lateral conductors to the outlet(s). Such wiring does not include wiring internal to appliances, fixtures, motors, controllers, motor control centers, and similar equipment.