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Bay-One vertical 19" wide segment of a rack cabinet. Several bays can be joined together to form a large rack cabinet.

Code of record-The code in effect at the time of design or installation. Unless required to correct a known hazard or a major modification is being performed, installations in compliance with the code of record, do not need to be upgrade to a later edition of the code unless so stated in the code.

Controlled access-If the chassis are screwed into the rack cabinet. Doors having latches can be taken to mean the circuitry is controlled. Control of the access to the area in which the tester is located is also a means of control. In this case the area must be identified.

Electroexplosive device-An explosive device detonated by an integral electrical component upon application of a specified voltage/current pulse to that component.

Electromagnetic (EMR) field-Time varying distribution in some medium of electric and magnetic forces.

Electromagnetic radiation-Emission of electromagnetic energy from an electrical source in a portion of the radio frequency spectrum which may pose a threat to electroexplosive devices.

Emergency-shutdown pushbutton (E-stop)-A control device provided to automatically stop electrical energy to devices in the area during an emergency.

Failsafe-Build-in safety characteristics of a unit or system so that a failure (of the unit or system) or a loss of control power will not result in an unsafe condition.

Failsafe-Built-in safety characteristics of a unit or system so that unit or system failure or a loss of control power will not result in an unsafe condition.

General access area-An area that does not present hazards to personnel while equipment and systems are functioning normally. These areas are accessible to all personnel.

Grounding hook-A device for making a temporary connection to discharge and ground the internal energy sources in hazardous electrical equipment. It consists of a bare copper rod shaped like a shepherd's hook at one end, an insulating handle, and a suitable bare flexible copper cable securely connected at the other end, and can be securely connected to an equipment or building ground.

Interlocked access areas-Areas in which the sources of power must be interlocked with the access doors because of the hazards the areas contain.

Leakage current-Refers to all currents, including capacitively coupled currents, that may be conveyed between exposed surfaces of the equipment and ground or other exposed surfaces of the equipment.

Limited access areas-Areas that are kept locked and are accessible only to authorized personnel because of the hazards they contain.

Modulation-Change in normal characteristics of the recurring pattern in an electromagnetic field as aresult of a secondary electrical signal having been combined with the electrical signal from which the field originates.

Personnel safety interlock system-One or more of the emergency-shutdown systems or personnel access control systems or both.

Power density-Emitted power per unit cross-sectional area normal to the direction of propagation of an electromagnetic wave from which results an electromagnetic field.

Rack cabinet-Any enclosure intended to house electrical equipment mounted to cabinet rails mounted within the cabinet. Most rack cabinets house chassis 19" wide. They are available in several heights.

Radio frequency-Non ionizing radiation generated in the portion of the frequency spectrum for electromagnetic energy between audio and ultraviolet.

Safety barrier-A safeguard installed to restrict personnel access to a hazardous area.

Safety coordinator-An individual who has the responsibility of the safety of the work that is to be performed and who is familiar with the hazards involved.

Safety interlock-An electrical or mechanical device that prevents operation of equipment or precludes access to hazardous areas, enclosures, or equipment.

Safety watch-A person whose specific duties are to observe the workers and operations being performed.

Shall-Information cited is a requirement from a regulatory standard such as OSHA and relevant DOE Orders.

Should-Information cited is a guidance such as concensus standards.

Underground facility-A facility built below ground surface.

Wavelength-Distance between repetitions of a recurring pattern in an electrical signal or electromagnetic field.


Western Governors University

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