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Count/Clap - Identify the metrical stress and unit of beat. Using the counting system (App. B), perform the exercise indicating attacks by clapping. Counting syllables (numbers, &, a, or ta) must be audible.

Conduct/Intone - Identify the metrical stress and unit of beat. Using the appropriate time beating pattern (App. A), perform the exercise by intoning the rhythm on a neutral syllable (ta). The time beating pattern must continue throughout the exercise.



Number Lists - Establish the tonic triad in D Major or minor, as applicable. Perform the list horizontally in D Major or D minor with one count per number and a count of silence at the end of each line. The tempo must remain constant throughout the list. Scale degree numbers must be used as syllables for singing.

Notation - Identify the clef and key. Establish the tonic triad in the key of D Major or minor, as applicable. Sing in D Major or D minor, regardless of the notated key. Perform the exercise with one count per note and a count of silence at the bar line. The tempo must remain constant throughout the exercise. Scale degree numbers must be used as syllables for singing.

Scales - Using D as a tonic, perform scales with one count per number and a count of silence at the end of each scale. The tempo must remain constant throughout the scales. Scale degree numbers must be used as sylla-bles for singing.

ETC -1

Intervals - Sing the given pitch. Sing the pitch a given interval above or below as specified.

Triads - Using D as the root, perform triads with one count per number and a count of silence at the end of each triad. The tempo must remain constant throughout the triads. Scale degree numbers must be used as syllables for singing.

Triads in Inversion - Sing the given pitch. Sing major and minor triads with the given pitch as the root, third, and fifth of the triad. The tempo must remain constant while singing the triad, but a pause may occur between triads. Scale degree numbers must be used as syllables for singing. Any pitch order may be used in the triads as long as syllables and pitches are correct.

4-note Chords - Using D as the root, perform Maj6, Maj7, Dom7, min7 , and dim7 chords in order, with one count per number and a count of silence at the end of each chord. The tempo must remain constant throughout the chords. Scale degree numbers must be used as syllables for singing.


Identify the metrical stress and unit of beat. Select the time beating pattern. Identify the clef and key. Given the pitch A 440, sing the interval necessary to find the tonic in the notated key. Using the appropriate time beating pattern (App. A), perform the melody in the notated key. The time beating pattern must continue throughout the exercise. Scale degree numbers must be used as syllables for singing. Follow all performance directions, i.e. tempo, character, dynamics, and expression markings.

ETC -2

Western Governors University

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