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If personal injuries do occur, it is essential that the injuries be taken care of to the extent possible by the application of first aid. The Standard First Aid Training Course, NAVEDTRA 10081 (latest revision), defines first aid as "the emergency care given sick or injured persons until regular medical or surgical aid can be obtained." Your principal source of information on first aid is the Standard First Aid Training Course.

Every person in a field party should be able to administer first aid, regardless of how junior in rate and experience each person may be. A chaining party may consist of only two persons, one of whom may be very junior in rate and time in service. Since the party chief may be the one injured, the junior member of the party would be responsible for administering first aid.

Figure 12-27.-Typical configuration of a light wave distance-measuring device.

As a rule, field crew members should be familiar with the telephone number and location of the nearest hospital or dispensary their party will be operating, should have a transport vehicle available and ready, and should have valid government vehicle operators licenses. In addition, a first-aid kit should be kept handy at all times.

Western Governors University

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