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INSPECTION The purpose of material inspection is to deter-care mine the actual material condition of the ship. On the basis of what the inspection discloses, it may be necessary to recommend repairs, alterations, changes, or developments which will ensure the material readiness of the ship to carry out the mis-sion for which it was designed. In addition, the material inspection determines whether or not proper procedures are being carried out in the care and operation of machinery and equipment. Administrative procedures and material records which are inspected include maintenance records and routine tests, and inspections. The requirements prescribed for material readiness are as follows: 1. Established routines for the conduct of in-spections and tests, schedule for preventive maintenance, and a system which will ensure timely and effective repairs. 2. Adequate material maintenance records, kept in accordance with current directives that give the history and detailed description of the condi-tion of the machinery and the equipment. 3. Planned and effective utilization of the ships facilities for preservation, maintenance, and repair. 4. Correct allocation of necessary work to the following categories: (a) the ships force, (b) the tenders and repair ships, and (c) the naval shipyards or other shore repair activity. The scope of the material inspection is similar to that of the inspection made by the Board of Inspection and Survey. (These inspections are discussed later in this chapter.) These inspections should be thorough and searching, and cover, in detail, maintenance and repair rather than general appearance. The distinction between ad-ministrative inspections and material inspections should be readily recognized, and there should be as little duplication as possible. Examination of the material maintenance records and reports should be made to determine the material condi-tion of machinery and equipment. General ad-ministrative methods, general appearance, cleanliness of compartments, and cleanliness of machinery are not part of this inspection, except in cases where they have a direct bearing on material condition. The composition of the inspecting party for the material inspection is similar to that of the administrative. inspection party. |