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Some ships are equipped with air-operated presses and others with steam-operated presses. But both types of presses use steam for heating. The trouble the operator will most often encounter is insufficient supply of air pressure for the air-operated presses, and not enough steam pressure for the steam-operated laundry

Table 7-1.CommonTroubles, Causes, and Remedies on Shipboard Laundry Dryers

presses. Both types of presses require the right amount of steam pressure for heating. You, as the maintenanceman, must make sure safety devices are not bypassed. All press heads and bucks should be hydrostatically tested annually as specified by the manufacturers manual. If not specified in the manufacturers manual, test to 150 lb/sq. inch according to chapter 655 of NSTM for 1 minute.

Table 7-2.CommonTroubles, Causes, and Remedies on Shipboard Laundry Dryers Continued

You should lubricate all bearings, the dashpot, and the air cylinder regularly as specified by the manufacturers manual or by the applicable MRCs. Advise the division responsible for the equipment to submit requests for repairs and parts replacements on Ships Maintenance Action Form, OPNAV 4790/2K. This procedure will help you, as the maintenanceman, track the parts that are failing and provide you with documented repairs.The maintenance of all laundry presses should be according to the applicable MRCs.

Western Governors University

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