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The two types of conveyors the Navy uses for shipboard handling are gravity and powered. This section will deal with the general concepts of maintaining, troubleshooting, and repairing the conveyors within ships force capability. When working on a conveyor, always follow the manufacturers manual or the PMS. For more general information concerning conveyors, read NSTM, Chapter 572, Shipboard Stores and Provision Handling. Figures 8-7, 8-8, and 8-9 are examples of some conveyors the Navy uses.

The difficulties most likely to be encountered during the operation of powered conveyors are not due to a malfunctioning of the mechanical equipment, but to the electrical equipment and the related interlocks. The following list contains common conveyor troubles that you may experience, the probable causes, and remedies for each of the troubles listed. The cause for improper operation is best diagnosed with adequate testing equipment and a thorough understanding of the complete system. Remember that with any electrical problem, you will need the help of an Electricians Mate, who is fully trained for electrical work

Figure 8-7.Gravity conveyor.

Figure 8-8.Vertical conveyer, package, tray type.

For general maintenance and repair, always follow the requirements of the PMS. If the conveyor has been out of use for some time, inspect and service it before use, even if the maintenance period has not elapsed.

Western Governors University

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