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Q1. Name the two systems that comprise an overall power system.

Q2. What system of arranging primary feeders is the least reliable but the most commonly used?

Q3. What is the purpose of a distribution trans-former?

Q4. In relation to the primary mains, where on a power distribution pole should the secondaris be located?

Q5. Under what circumstances are concrete power distribution poles authorized for use on a Navy installation?

Q6. On a drawing of an overhead electrical distribution system what information should you show for the overhead conductors?

Q7. Define water table.

Q8. What three primary factors must an engineer consider when selecting a water source?

Q9. When, if ever, is it permissible to install a water line and a sanitary sewer line in the same trench?

Q1O. In a waste water system, what is the purpose of a lift station?


A1. The transmission system and the distribution system.

A2. The radial distribution system.

A3. To step down primary voltage to utilization level.

A4. On a crossarm or spool rack located below the primary mains.

A5. When they are shown to be more economical or when special circumstances warrant the use of concrete poles.

A6. Number size, type, voltage, and location.

A7. The level of underground water that has collected over an impervious stratum.

A8. Water quantity, reliability, and quality.

A9. NEVER. Water distribution and sewage collection piping must always be separated.

A10. To pump sewage from a lower level to a higher level because gravity flow is no longer possible or practical at the lower level.

Western Governors University

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