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Officers exercising SPCM CA are delegated authority to separate enlisted personnel with honorable, general, or entry level discharges when the member does not object to separation for the following reasons:

l Parenthood

l Designated physical or mental conditions (somnambulism, enuresis, personality disorder, and excessive height)

l Weight control failure

l Dependency or hardship

l Pregnancy or childbirth

l Surviving son or daughter

l Erroneous enlistment

l Fraudulent enlistment

l Entry level performance and conduct

l Unsatisfactory performance

l Homosexuality (where no OTH is recommended)

l Drug abuse rehabilitation failure

l Alcohol abuse rehabilitation failure

In any case that must be initiated under the administrative board procedure vice the notification procedure an SPCM CA is delegated authority to separate the member when (1) an administrative discharge board recommends separation with a general or honorable characterization, (2) the member does not object to the discharge, and (3) the characterization is consistent with guidelines in the MILPERSMAN.

COs with SPCM CA effect the discharge by issuing a letter to the respondent directing the discharge. Figure 9-3 is a sample letter that a CO with SPCM CA may issue a respondent to effect the discharge. Send a copy of this letter along with all pertinent documents to the Chief of Naval Personnel for inclusion in the member's permanent record.

If the CO does not have SPCM CA or the member objects to the separation, the case must be referred to the Chief of Naval Personnel for final determination. This is accomplished by either message submission or a standard letter of transmittal.

Message Submission

Do not send cases by message in which an administrative board was held or the CO is the separation authority. While message submission hastens the process and is encouraged, COs must use discretion in determining which cases should be submitted via message. Discretion is appropriate in cases wherein the basis for processing is a character trait or physical or mental deficiency that if it were to become known by the command personnel could create dissension or further personal embarrassment to the member.

Due to the limitations of the message format, commands processing USNR-R members and members being processed in the best interest of the naval service are not authorized to submit cases via message.

Message transmission will be sent by routine precedence in the format provided in the MILPERSMAN, Article 3640200(11). Make sure all information required is included. Include your servicing personnel support detachment (PSD) as an information addressee.

A message submission must be released by either the CO or the acting CO since it is taking the place of a letter of transmittal. File a copy of the released message in the member's service record.

When you submit an administrative separation case by message, send the supporting documentation

Figure 9-3.-Sample letter from CO with SPCM CA executing discharge.

required to complete the package within 15 working days after submission of the message. Supporting documentation includes the command's notice of administrative separation processing, the member's statement of awareness, and other supporting correspondence as required by the specific case. Include a cover memorandum indicating that the documentation supports a message case and include a copy of the message. Make sure the member's full name, rate, SSN, and UIC have been indicated on each page of the case.

Letter of Transmittal

When a case is not submitted by message, the CO or acting CO must sign a letter of transmittal to the Chief of Naval Personnel submitting the case for final action. Letters of transmittal are required in each case when the CO is the separation authority. The letter of transmittal must indicate the date the member was discharged and a copy of the DD 214 must be provided. Make sure the member's full name, rate, and social security number (SSN) have been indicated on each page of the case. The MILPERSMAN, Article 3640200(9) illustrates a sample letter of transmittal.

Western Governors University

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