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The 10 submits the JAGMAN investigative report to the CA who reviews it and transmits it by endorsement to the appropriate superior officer. The endorsement will accomplish one of the following actions:

  . Return the report for further inquiry or corrective action noting any incomplete, ambiguous, or erroneous action of the IO. 

. Forward the record setting forth appropriate comments, recording approval or disapproval, in whole or in part, of the proceedings, findings, opinions, and recommendations.

In line of duty/misconduct investigation, the CA is required to specifically y approve or disapprove the line of duty/misconduct opinion. This is accomplished as shown in paragraph 2 of figure 13-6.


Figure 13-5.-Sample JAGMAN Investigation.


Figure 13-5.-Sample JAGMAN investigation-Continued.


Figure 13-5.-Sample JAGMAN investigation-Continued.

If the CA corrects, adds, or disapproves findings of fact, opinions, or recommendation, the following language would be added in the endorsement:

. The findings of fact are hereby modified as follows:

. The following additional findings of fact are added: (numbers start after the last findings of fact in the basic investigation).

l Opinion ____ in the basic correspondence is not substantiated by the findings of fact because and is therefore either disapproved or modified to read as follows: .

The following additional opinions are added: (numbers start after the last opinion in the basic investigation).

. Recommendation ____ is not appropriate for action at this command; however, a copy of this



Figure 13-6.-First endorsement of JAGMAN investigative report.

investigation is being furnished to __________________ for such action as deemed appropriate.

. Additional recommendations: (numbers start after the last recommendation in the basic investigation). . The action recommended in recommendation ____ has been accomplished by (has been forwarded to for action).

If corrective action had been taken on the investigation, paragraph 4 of figure 13-6 would read:

4. Subject to the foregoing remarks, the basic proceedings, findings of fact, opinions, and recommendations of the investigating officer are approved.

Western Governors University

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