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An important function of your duties in maintaining the library is keeping track of the materials contained in the library. To be able to quickly account for the whereabouts of all material belonging to the library will help you and the persons using the library. Furthermore, it will also save command funds because replacement items will not be required because of losses due to a poor accounting system. The size of your library and the needs of the library users will generally dictate the type of accountability used. For most libraries, it is recommended that the books be cataloged using a simple card index system (see fig. 2-5) that lists the following minimum information for each item:

l Title of the reference material

l Edition (if applicable)

l Publisher

l Number of volumes

l Location of the reference material

In addition to setting up a card catalog system as suggested previously, you also should set up a checkout system to keep track of those materials that are borrowed from the library. Two different check-out systems are described in the following paragraphs. . Check-out card-This is probably the most effective system that can be used. It consists of placing a check-out card in either the front or back of each volume of reference material. This card should contain enough information to identify the specific volume it came from and should provide sufficient space for the individual checking out the material to enter the date checked out, the individual's name, and the individual's office and/or command. When a book is checked out, the card may be placed on the shelf in place of the book, or all check-out cards may be kept in a central location for


Figure 2-6.-Check-out card.

easy reference. Figure 2-6 is a sample of a check-out card. l Sign-out list-This system is effective for use in a small library and consists of a simple sign-out sheet with space provided for individuals to enter the date material is checked out, the title of the material, the individual's name, and the individual's office and/or command. The sign-out sheet should be kept in a highly visible location where it will remind people to sign for the books they are borrowing. Near the door of the library would probably be the best location. Figure 2-7 is a sample of a sign-out list.

Whether you use one of these suggested systems or some other system, the system that is used can only be effective if it is actively controlled by the person who is in charge of maintaining the library.

In addition, it is a good idea to have each volume identified in some way to show that it came from your

library. An easy way to do this would be to stamp each individual volume or item with the return mailing stamp used by your office or command. This maybe time-consuming initially, especially if none of the volumes have been previously identified. On the other hand, it is an easy task to stamp each new item on the three outside closed book edges and on the margins of pages 1 and 101-a common library practice-as soon as you receive them.

The need to maintain a reliable and effective means of accountability for the materials contained in the law library can be appreciated when you consider the high cost involved in replacing lost or damaged legal reference materials.

Ordering Materials

From time to time, you will probably discover that some of the books or materials contained in your library have been lost or damaged. When this occurs, you


Figure 2-7.-Sign-out list.

should make a list of these lost or damaged books, indicating where replacement books may be obtained and whether these replacement books will be funded by JAG or out of command funds. Once this has been done, you should provide this information to your immediate supervisor who will then inform the appropriate individual in your office, usually the head of the office, and a determination will be made about the replacement of these lost or damaged books. If it is determined that the lost or damaged books are to be replaced, then a request for replacement will be prepared by your office and sent to the appropriate activity for the purchase of the replacement books.

In the case of new materials, you will probably be asked to check where and how this material can be obtained and whether or not the purchase of such material is funded by JAG or from local command funds. The information about this new material will then be sent through your immediate supervisor to the appropriate individual in your office, again this is usually the head of your office, where a determination will be made as to whether or not this material is needed for use in the library. If it is decided that this material is needed, then your office will prepare an appropriate request for the material. For materials funded by JAG, a letter request will be prepared by your office with an explanation as to why this material is needed for use in your office library, and the request is then sent to the appropriate office in JAG where a final determination will be made on the purchase of this material. For materials that are to be purchased through the use of command funds, your office should prepare the appropriate request forms and send them to the office within the command that handles such purchases.


As discussed earlier in this chapter, the Head, Field Library section in OJAG prepares and sends out an annual report to each field library activity listing those commercial lawbooks and services that are maintained by JAG for the particular field library (see fig. 2-2). When this report is received by your office, you will probably be tasked with checking those items listed in the report against the contents of the library. This can be done quickly and easily if you have an effective system of accountability established. After you have completed this check of the library, you should send your findings through your immediate supervisor to the head of your office who will then complete the report and send it to JAG. Even though this may be the only report you will have to work with concerning the library, there may be occasions when the Head, Field Library section may desire a special report about specific books and materials contained in your library. If such a report is received, it should be handled according to the instructions that accompany it.

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