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After you complete the front of the NAVPERS 1626/7, the case must touch two more bases before it is ready for hearing by the CO. The first step is to refer the report chit to an officer or a senior enlisted person for a preliminary inquiry that will later be screened by the XO.


At small commands, refer the cases to division officers for the preliminary inquiry. At large commands, the discipline officer or the legal officer is delegated the authority to appoint the preliminary inquiry officer (PIO). You need to fill in the name of the PIO at the top of section E on figure 5-1 before referring it to the PIO for action.

It is not the job of the PIO to develop a case against the accused. Rather, the PIO is to collect all available


Figure 5-1A.-Report and Disposition of Offense(s), NAVPERS 1626/7 (front).


Figure 5-1B.-Report and Disposition of Offense(s), NAVPERS 1626/7 (back).


Figure 5-2.-Sample preliminary inquiry officer's report.

The suspect's rights acknowledgement/statement (fig. 5-3) contains a suggested format that may be used by investigative personnel in cases in which criminal incrimina tion and to make statements. This format is designed as facts about the offense itself and about the background the accused. You should have a standard form that the PIO prepares for submission to the CO. Figure 5-2 is a good example of what should be included in a PIO's report suspects desire to waive their rights on self-

Figure 5-3.-Suspect's rights acknowledgement/statement.


Figure 5-3.-Suspect's rights acknowledgement/statement-Continued.

a guide and its use is not mandatory. However, you should provide the PIO with this form in case the accused desires to make a statement.

In addition to filling out a PIO's report, the PIO completes section E of figure 5-1 by doing the following:

l Inserting a short resume of the division officer's opinion of the accused

l Listing the names of the witnesses whose presence at mast is necessary to dispose of the case

l Recommending disposition of the case

l Summarizing the evidence that supports the recommendation

The recommendation of the PIO is not binding on the CO.

After the PIO has completed his or her inquiry, the report chit, preliminary inquiry report, and all statements are sent to the CO for a determination of whether disposition by NJP is appropriate.

Western Governors University

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