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Arrest in Quarters

This punishment is imposable only on officers. It is a moral restraint, as opposed to a physical restraint. It is similar to restriction, but has much narrower limits. The limits of arrest are set by the officer imposing the punishment and may extend beyond quarters. The term quarters includes military and private residences. The officer may be required to perform his or her regular duties as long as they do not involve the exercise of authority over subordinates.


Restriction is the least severe form of deprivation of liberty. Restriction involves moral rather than physical restraint. The severity of this type of restraint depends on its duration and the geographical limits specified when the punishment is imposed. A person undergoing restriction may be required to report to a designated place at specified times if reasonably necessary to make sure the punishment is being properly executed.

Restriction ashore means that an accused will be restricted to the limits of the command except, of course, at larger shore stations where the use of recreational facilities might be further restricted. Restriction and arrest in quarters are normally imposed by a written order detailing the limits thereof and usually requires the accused to log in at certain specified times during the restraint. Article 1103 of U.S. Navy Regulations, 1990, provides that an officer placed in the status of arrest or restriction will not be confined to his or her room unless the safety or the discipline of the ship requires such action.


Forfeiture means a permanent loss of entitlement to the pay forfeited. A forfeiture applies to basic pay and to sea or foreign duty pay, but not to incentive pay or allowances for subsistence or quarters. The amount of forfeiture of pay is expressed in whole dollar amounts, not in fractions, and shows the number of months affected. An example of a properly stated forfeiture is to forfeit $50 pay per month for 2 months.

If the punishment includes both reduction, whether or not suspended, and forfeiture of pay, the forfeiture must be based on the grade the accused is reduced to. Forfeitures are effective on the date imposed unless suspended or deferred. Where a previous forfeiture is being executed, that forfeiture will be completed before any newly imposed forfeiture will be executed.

Extra Duty

Extra duties involve the performance of duties in addition to those normally assigned to the person undergoing the punishment. Various types of duties may be assigned, including fatigue duties. The MCM prohibits extra duties that are a known safety or health hazard, those that are cruel and unusual, or those that are not sanctioned by the customs of the service involved.

When extra duties are imposed upon a petty or noncommissioned officer, the duties cannot be demeaning to his or her rank or position. The immediate CO of the accused normally designates the amount and character of extra duty. Such duties normally should not extend beyond 2 hours per day. Guard duty may not be assigned as extra duty. Extra duty is not performed on Sunday although Sundays count as if such duty was performed.

Reduction in Grade

Reduction in paygrade is limited to one grade only for members in paygrades E-1 through E-6. E-7 through E-9 personnel cannot be reduced in grade at NJP. The grade from which reduced must be within the promotional authority of the CO imposing the reduction. See also the NAVMILPERSMAN, Article 3420140.2, for additional information on reduction.

Correctional Custody

Correctional custody is a form of physical restraint of a person during either duty or nonduty hours, or both, and may include hard labor, extra duties, or fatigue duties. Awardees may perform military duty but not watches and cannot bear arms or exercise authority over subordinates. Specific regulations for administering correctional custody can be found in Instructions for Administering Correctional Custody, OPNAVINST 1640.7C.

Time spent in correctional custody is not lost time. Correctional custody cannot be imposed on paygrades E-4 and above. To assist commanders in imposing correctional custody, correctional custody units (CCUs) have been established at major shore installations. Check the local operating procedures for the nearest CCU before correctional custody is imposed.

Confinement on Bread and Water or Diminished Rations

These punishments can only be awarded to E-3s and below if they are attached to or embarked in a vessel. These punishments involve physical confinement and are equivalent to solitary confinement because contact is allowed only with authorized personnel.

A medical officer must first certify in writing that the accused will suffer no serious injury and that the place of confinement will not harm the accused. Diminished rations is a restricted diet of 2,100 calories per day, and instructions for its use are detailed in SECNAV-INST 1640.9.

Western Governors University

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