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Upon completion of this chapter, you should be able to do the following:


You know that machines help you to do work. What is work? Work doesnt mean simply applying a force. If that were so, you would have to consider that the sailor in figure 7-1 is doing work. He is busy applying his 220-pound force on the seabag. However, no work is being done!

Work in the mechanical sense, is done when a resistance is overcome by a force acting through a measurable distance. Now, if that sailor were to lift his 90-pound bag off the deck and put it on his bunk, he would be doing work. He would be overcoming a resistance by applying a force through a distance.

Notice that work involves two factors-force and movement through a distance. You measure force in pounds and distance in feet. Therefore, you measure work in units called foot-pounds. You do 1 foot-pound of work when you lift a 1-pound weight through a height

Figure 7-1.No work is being done.

of 1 foot, You also do 1 foot-pound of work when you apply 1 pound of force on any object through a distance of 1 foot. Writing this as a formula, it becomes

Thus, if you lift a 90-pound bag through a vertical distance of 5 feet, you will do

WORK = 90 X 5 = 450 ft-lb.

You should remember two points about work

1. In calculating the work done, you measure the actual resistance being overcome. The resistance is not necessarily the weight of the object you want to move. To understand this more clearly, look at the job the sailor in figure 7-2 is doing. He is pulling a 900-pound load of supplies 200 feet along the dock. Does this mean that he

Figure 7-2.Working against friction.

Figure 7-3.No motion, no work.

is doing 900 x 200, or 180,000 foot-pounds of work? Of course not. He isnt working against the pull of gravity-or the total weightof the load. Hes pulling only against the rolling friction of the truck and that may be as little as 90 pounds. That is the resistance that is being overcome. Always be sure you know what resistance is being overcome by the effort, as well as the distance through which it is moved. The resistance in one case may be the weight of the object; in another it may be the frictional resistance of the object as it is dragged or rolled along the deck.

2. You have to move the resistance to do any work on it. Look at the sailor in figure 7-3. The poor guy has been holding that suitcase for 15 minutes waiting for the bus. His arm is getting tired; but according to the definition of work, he isnt doing any because he isnt moving the suitcase. He is merely exerting a force against the pull of gravity on the bag.

You already know about the mechanical advantage of a lever. Now consider how it can be used to get work done easily. Look at figure 7-4. The load weighs 300 pounds, and the sailor wants to lift it up onto a platform a foot above the deck. How much work must he do? Since he must raise 300 pounds 1 foot, he must do 300 x 1, or 300 foot-pounds of work.

Figure 7-4.Pushem up.

He cant make this weight any smaller with any machine. If he uses the 8-foot plank as shown, he can do the amount of work by applying a smaller force through a longer distance. Notice that he has a mechanical advantage of 3, so a 100-pound push down on the end of the plank will raise the 300-pound crate. Through how long a distance will he have to exert that 100-pound push? If he neglects friction, the work he exerts on the machine will be equal to the work done by the machine. In other words,

    work put in = work put out.

Western Governors University

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