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Suppose you are going to push a 400-pound crate up a 12-foot plank; the upper end is 3 feet higher than the lower end. You decide that a 100-pound push will do the job. The height you will raise the crate is one-fourth of the distance through which you will exert your push. The theoretical mechanical advantage is 4. Then you push on the crate, applying 100 pounds of force; but nothing happens! Youve forgotten about the friction between the surface of the crate and the surface of the plank. This friction acts as a resistance to the movement of the crate; you must overcome this resistance to move the crate. In fact, you might have to push as much as 150 pounds to move it. You would use 50 pounds to overcome the frictional resistance, and the remaining 100 pounds would be the useful push that would move the crate up the plank.

Friction is the resistance that one surface offers to its movement over another surface. The amount of friction depends upon the nature of the two surfaces and the forces that hold them together.

In many instances fiction is useful to you. Friction helps you hold back the crate from sliding down the inclined ramp. The cinders you throw under the wheels of your car when its slipping on an icy pavement increase the friction. You wear rubber-soled shoes in the gym to keep from slipping. Locomotives carry a supply of sand to drop on the tracks in front of the driving wheels to increase the friction between the wheels and the track. Nails hold structures together because of the friction between the nails and the lumber.

You make friction work for you when you slow up an object in motion, when you want traction, and when you prevent motion from taking place. When you want a machine to run smoothly and at high efficiency, you eliminate as much friction as possible by oiling and greasing bearings and honing and smoothing rubbing surfaces.

Where you apply force to cause motion, friction makes the actual mechanical advantage fall short of the theoretical mechanical advantage. Because of friction, you have to make a greater effort to overcome the resistance that you want to move. If you place a marble and a lump of sugar on a table and give each an equal push, the marble will move farther. That is because rolling friction is always less than sliding friction. You take advantage of this fact whenever you use ball bearings or roller bearings. See figure 7-7.

Figure 7-7.These reduce friction.

Figure 7-8.It saves wear and tear.

The Navy takes advantage of that fact that rolling friction is always less than sliding friction. Look at figure 7-8. This roller chock cuts down the wear and tear on lines and cables that are run through it. It also reduces friction and reduces the load the winch has to work against.

Figure 7-9.Roller bitt saves line.

The roller bitt in figure 7-9 is another example of how you can cut down the wear and tear on lines or cable and reduce your frictional loss.

When you need one surface to move over another, you can decrease the friction with lubricants such as oil, grease, or soap. You can use a lubricant on flat surfaces and gun slides as well as on ball and roller bearings. A lubricant reduces frictional resistance and cuts down wear.

In many situations friction is helpful. However, many sailors have found out about this the hard wayon a wet, slippery deck. Youll find rough grain coverings are used on some of our ships. Here you have friction working for you. It helps you to keep your footing.

Western Governors University

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