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Food items may be expended by issue, transfer, sale, or survey.


Issues (or breakouts) of food items to the GM must be made on preapproved breakout documents and follow established procedures. These procedures are explained next.

Bulk Storeroom to Issue Storeroom Procedures Afloat

Breakouts of food items from the bulk storeroom to the issue room must not be made without an approved issue document, such as a Food-Item Report/Master Food Code List, NAVSUP Form 1059, or a Food-Item Request/Issue Document, NAVSUP Form 1282. ISSUING PROCEDURE.- Requests for breakouts from the bulk storeroom must be made on a NAVSUP Form 1282 or a NAVSUP Form 1059, each prepared in triplicate. (See fig  2-11 and 2- 12.)

DOCUMENT DISTRIBUTION AND POSTING.- The completed form is signed by both the bulk storeroom and issue storeroom storekeepers and distributed as follows:

The original is retained under lock and key by the FSO.

The duplicate is retained by the bulk storeroom storekeeper for posting to the NAVSUP Form 209 or the NAVSUP Form 335, whichever is used.

The triplicate is retained by the issue room storekeeper for posting to the NAVSUP Form 209 or the NAVSUP Form 335.

Issue Storeroom to Galley Procedure

Breakouts to the galley from the issue storeroom are made on an approved NAVSUP Form 1282 or NAVSUP Form 1059.

DOCUMENT PREPARATION.- The FSO establishes controls to account for each breakout document. When dry, fresh, and frozen items arc in the custody of different individuals, separate breakout documents must be prepared (fig 2-11)

When the NAVSUP Form 1282 is used, care must be taken to list items in the order in which they appear on the NAVSUP Form 1059. The food item code number from the NAVSUP Form 1059 must be entered to assist with posting to the NAVSUP Form 335 and to the NAVSUP Form 209. (See figs 2-11 and 2-12.)

REQUIRED SIGNATURES.- Signatures on breakout documents serve as authorization and transfer accountability. Therefore, the importance of following established procedures cannot be overemphasized.

ISSUES.- The jack-of-the-dust (issue room storekeeper) issues the food items requested using a NAVSUP Form 1282, enters the actual quantities furnished, and delivers the items to the senior MS on duty. The jack-of-the-dust and the individual accepting the material sign in the Issued By and Received By blocks respectively.

RETURN OF FOOD ITEMS.- Strict accountability must be exercised over food items at all times to mimze waste and to make sure items are used for the purpose intended. Unused food items that are being returned must not be kept in the galley. These items (often referred to as breakbacks or returns) must be promptly returned to the storeroom so that accountability can be reestablished. Returns may be


Figure 2-11.-Preparation of the Food-Item Request/Issue Document, NAVSUP Form 1282, and the Food-Item Report/Master Food Code List, NAVSUP Form 1059.

made on the original issue document, NAVSUP Form 1282. This form is signed in the Issued By block by the senior MS on duty and in the Received By block by the jack-of-the-dust.

DOCUMENT DISTRIBUTION AND POSTING.- The jack-of-thedust retains one copy of the issue document for posting to the NAVSUP Form 209 or the NAVSUP Form 335 and then delivers the original and the remaining copy to the GM keeper.

Issues From Combined Bulk and Issue Storerooms

On some ships, the bulk storeroom storekeeper is accountable for both the bulk and issue storerooms. Under this type of combined operation, the issue room


Figure 2-12.-Preparation explanation notes and the Food-Item Request/Issue Document, NAVSUP Form 1282.

becomes an extension of the bulk storeroom for accountability purposes. Thus, the same issue documents may be used for breakouts from the bulk storeroom to the galley and for reporting issues to the GM drawn from the issue room. When you are using this procedure, only items for immediate use are to be requested from the bulk storeroom or drawn from the issue room. Care must be taken to make sure no excesses are drawn and stored in the galley causing the issues to the GM to be overstated. Any food items remaining in the issue room under the combined accountability procedure must be counted and reported with the bulk storeroom items when inventory is taken.

RETURNS OR TURN-INS.- Unprepared food items remaining in the galley after completion of meal periods in which the items were intended to be used must be returned to the storeroom on a daily basis. The NAVSUP Form 1282 containing daily issues must be modified to document items and quantities returned and thereby show the new issues to the GM. Procedures for turn-ins are the same as explained earlier under the Issue Storeroom to Galley Procedures heading.

DOCUMENT DISTRIBUTION AND POSTING.- The bulk storeroom storekeeper retains one copy of the issue document for posting to the NAVSUP Form 209 or the NAVSUP Form 335 and then delivers the original and the remaining copy to the GM records keeper.

Western Governors University

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