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In April 1991, the Secretary of Agriculture unveiled the food guide pyramid, which replaced the basic four food groups.

This pyramid is a visual companion to the Dietary Guidelines for Americans. The new graphic conveys the three essential elements of a healthy diet: proportion, moderation, and variety.

Proportion is the relative amount of food to choose from each major food group.

Moderation is eating fats, oils, and sugars sparingly.

Variety emphasizes the importance of eating a selection of different foods from each of the major food groups every day.

Figure 7-2 illustrates the range of caloric intake and servings needed from each major food group based on activity level. NOTE: The minimum suggested servings on the pyramid are the minimum number of servings needed each day to stay healthy, even when trying to lose weight.

The food pyramid graphically communicates the message of the Dietary Guidelines for Americansdiets should be built upon a base of complex carbohydrates and less fat. The placement of the food groups starting at the base of the pyramid conveys the current recommendations. These recommendations are as follows: eat more grains, vegetables, and fruits; eat moderate amounts of lean meats and dairy foods; and use sweets, fats, and oils sparingly. The food guide pyramid graphic fi -1 shows that all food groups are important to the diet.

Grain, Cereal, Rice and Pasta Group

The food pyramid emphasizes whole grain and cereal foods as the basis of a nutritious diet. Wheat, corn, oats, and other grains have very little fat and are cholesterol free. These foods provide complex carbohydrates-an important source of energy, especially in low-fat diets. They also provide fiber.

A person needs 6 to 11 servings from this group daily, depending on their activity level. You should offer whole grain and enriched or fortified products, but be sure to include some whole grain bread or cereals.

WHAT IS A SERVING?- It includes all products made with whole grain or enriched flour or meal such as bread, biscuits, muffins, waffles, pancakes, cooked or ready-to-eat cereals, cornmeal, flour, grits, macaroni and spaghetti, noodles, rice, rolled oats, and barley.

The following are some examples of a typical serving from the grain group:

1 slice of bread

1/2 cup of cooked cereal, cornmeal, grits, macaroni, noodles, rice or spaghetti

Table 7-2.-Range of Caloric Intake and Servings Needed Based on Activity Level



. 1 ounce of ready-to-eat cereal

NUTRITIVE VALUE.- These whole grain or enriched foods are important sources of B vitamins and iron. They also provide protein and are a major source of this nutrient in vegetarian diets. Additionally, they contribute magnesium, folacin, and fiber.

Most breakfast cereals are fortified at levels higher than those occurring in natural whole grain. In fact, some fortification adds vitamins not normally found in cereals (namely, vitamins A, B,,, C, and D). However, even these cereals (if refined) and other refined products (enriched or not) maybe low in some other vitamins and trace minerals. This is because these nutrients are partially removed from the whole grain in the milling process and not replaced.  Thus, it is a good idea to include some less refined or whole grain products in your menu.

Vegetable Group

Vegetables are naturally low in fat and contain no cholesterol. They provide vitamins such as vitamins A, C, and folate, and minerals such as iron and magnesium. Vegetables also provide fiber. Unlike the traditional "basic four," the food pyramid separates vegetables and fruits into individual groups to highlight how important it is to get adequate amounts of both.

Because vegetables are so important, GM menus should offer two hot vegetables at both lunch and dinner meals whenever possible. This gives the patrons a choice they will enjoy and improves the nutritional profile of the meal. You should note that the portion size of cooked vegetables was increased to 3/4 cup in the Armed Forces Recipe Service, NAVSUP P-7, in September 1992.

A person needs 3 to 5 servings daily, depending on their activity level. You should include one good vitamin C source each day. Also include deep yellow or dark green vegetables (for vitamin A) and unpeeled vegetables, especially those with edible seeds (for fiber). WHAT IS A SERVING?- It includes all vegetables. You should count the following as a serving from the vegetable group:

1 cup of raw leafy vegetables

1/2 cup of other vegetables that are cooked or chopped raw

3/4 cup of vegetable or tomato juice

NUTRITIVE VALUE.- Different types of vegetables provide different nutrients; therefore, your menu should feature a variety of vegetables. Dark green and deep yellow vegetables are good sources of vitamin A. Most dark green vegetables, if not overcooked, are also reliable sources of vitamin C. They are also valued for providing riboflavin, folacin, iron, and magnesium. Certain greens-collard, kale, mustard, turnip, and dandelion-provide calcium. Nearly all vegetables are low in fat, and none contain cholesterol.

Fruit Group

Most fruits are low in fat and free of cholesterol. Fruits and fruit juices provide important amounts of vitamin A and potassium. The food pyramid suggests a person receive 2 to 4 servings daily from this group, depending on their activity level.

WHAT IS A SERVING?- It includes all fruits. You should count the following as examples of a serving from the fruit group:

A medium apple, orange, or banana.

1/2 cup of chopped, cooked, or canned fruit.

1/2 cup of fruit juice.  You should only count 100-percent fruit juice as fruit.

NUTRITIVE VALUE.- Any kind of fruit fits into a low-fat diet. Nearly all fruits are low in fat, and none contain cholesterol. This group is also important for its contribution of vitamins A and C and fiber. As with vegetables, different types of fruits provide different nutrients. Reliable sources of vitamin C are citrus fruits (oranges, grapefruits, lemons), melons, and berries. Fruits with skin have more fiber.

Milk, Yogurt, and Cheese Group

Milk products provide protein, vitamins, and minerals as well as fat, cholesterol, and calories. Milk yogurt, and cheese are the best sources of calcium. The food pyramid suggests 2 to 3 daily servings of milk, yogurt, or cheese each day, depending on a person's activity level. Most people only need 2 servings. However, 3 servings are suggested for pregnant women, nursing mothers, teenagers, and young adults to age 24. Young adults should continue to have 3 servings of the milk group until age 24. This is to ensure a calcium intake that allows the development of peak bone mass during the formative years.

WHAT IS A SERVING?- It includes milk in any form such as whole, skim, low-fat, evaporated, buttermilk, and nonfat dry milk. A serving also may consist of yogurt, ice cream, ice milk, and cheese, including cottage cheese. You should count the following as examples of a serving from the this group:

One 8-ounce cup of milk or yogurt

11/2 ounces of natural cheese

2 ounces of processed cheese

NUTRITIVE VALUE.- Milk and most milk products are relied on to provide protein, calcium, phosphorus, and vitamins A, BI, B2, and B,2. In fact, milk and most milk products are the major source of calcium in the American diet. Also, liquid milk is fortified with vitamin D, which aids in the absorption of calcium. When fortified with vitamins A and D, low-fat or skim milk products have essentially the same nutrients as whole milk products, but fewer calories and less fat content.

Some dairy products contain large amounts of fat and cholesterol. However, low-fat dairy products contain equivalent amounts of calcium. To provide lower fat choices for your patrons, cook with nonfat dry milk; serve 1 percent low-fat and skim milk; offer low-fat yogurt and lower fat milk desserts, like ice milk or frozen yogurt.  Include cheese scheduling in your menu planning.  For example, au gratin potatoes and club spinach both have cheese. Therefore, limit to one dish of either per meal.

Western Governors University

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