soldering. The information that follows summarizes the important points of this topic. The MINIATURE/MICROMINIATURE (2M) REPAIR PROGRAM provides training, tools and equipment, and certification for 2M repair personnel. CERTIFICATION of technicians ensures the capability of high-quality, high-reliability repairs. The three SM&R codes for maintenance of electronic devices are: ">

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This topic has presented information on the Miniature and Microminiature 2M Repair Program and high-reliability soldering. The information that follows summarizes the important points of this topic.

The MINIATURE/MICROMINIATURE (2M) REPAIR PROGRAM provides training, tools and equipment, and certification for 2M repair personnel.

CERTIFICATION of technicians ensures the capability of high-quality, high-reliability repairs.

The three SM&R codes for maintenance of electronic devices are:

  • SM&R CODE D MAINTENANCE is characterized by extensive facilities and highly trained personnel. Code D activities are capable of the most complex type repairs.
  • CODE I activities provide direct support for user activities. This includes calibration, repair, and emergency manufacture of nonavailable parts.
  • CODE O maintenance is the responsibility of the user activity. It includes preventive maintenance and minor repairs.
  • ON-LINE TEST EQUIPMENT continuously monitors system performance and isolates faults to removable assemblies.
  • OFF-LINE TEST EQUIPMENT evaluates removable assemblies outside of the equipment and isolates faults to the component level.
  • FAULT ISOLATION USING GENERAL PURPOSE ELECTRONIC TEST EQUIPMENT (GPETE) should only be attempted by experienced technicians.
  • 2M REPAIR STATIONS are equipped according to the level of repairs to be accomplished.
  • ALLOYS, such as solder, which change directly from a solid state to a liquid are called eutectic alloys.
  • SOLDER with a tin/lead ratio of 63/37 is preferred for electronic work. A ratio of 60/40 is also acceptable.
  • ROSIN or RESIN FLUXES are the only fluxes to be used in electronic work.

Western Governors University

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