All these titles on 1 CD-Rom
14227 Religious Program Specialist 1 & C
Discusses the management skills necessary to the
management of the Command Religious Program. Information is provided
regarding the history of the Chaplain Corps and the Religious
Program Specialist rating; office management skills and the
management of naval communications; financial management; personnel
management; and the education and training of
Command Religious Program personnel, volunteer CRP personnel, and lay
14228 Religious
Program Specialist 3
Covers basic information on the RP rating; command
religious program (CRP); religious ministry facility (RMF); military
weddings and funerals; major religions of the world; worship
support functions; pastoral counseling support; information and
referral assistance; logistics and support of the chapel,
chaplain's office, RMF, and CRP; religious offering funds; religious
education; publicity; security; library support; audiovisual
presentations; and other aspects of chaplain backing and support,
including religious program support in the field.
14229 Religious
Program Specialist 3 & 2, Module I, Personnel Support
Covers basic information on the major religions of the
world; worship support functions, chapel weddings and military
funerals; information and referral assistance; publicity, material,
and facility support within the Command Religious Program;
audiovisual presentations; and shipboard library support.
14230 Religious
Program Specialist 3 & 2, Module II, Logistic Support and Financial
Covers procuring, providing, and inventorying the
materials necessary for the support of the chapel program; the preparation
of procurement and reimbursement documents and the maintenance of
departmental budget records and operating targets
14231 Religious
Program Specialist 3 & 2, Module III, Administration
Covers the maintenance of Command Religious Program
files and records; publications and directives; grammar and writing
skills; presentation of correspondence; and officer and enlisted
service records.