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DETAILED EQUIPMENT DECON SUMMARY ALFA company is normally responsible for the setup, the operation, and the closure of the DED portion of the thorough decon operation. The COC will select the DED site. The DED for chemical and biological contamination consists of five stations: 1. Station 1- Initial Wash 2. Station 2- DS2 Application 3. Station 3- Wait/ Interior Decon 4. Station 4- Rinse 5. Station 5- Check DED configurations may vary because of organizational and equipment differences. The optimum configuration provides the maximum output for decon teams at 100 percent personnel and equipment. The setup for a DED equipped with a M12A1 is different from one equipped with a M17. Both the DED and the DTD must be properly closed and marked. Once closed, an NBC 4 report must be sent to higher headquarters. CLEARING THE THOROUGH DECON SITE Once all vehicles and personnel from the contaminated unit have been processed through the thorough decon site, the site can be closed. The COC will ensure that all contaminated elements have been processed. The decon team closes the DED first. Once the DED is closed, the decon team processes through the DTD. After the decon team has processed through the DTD, the DTD is then closed. Once the DTD is closed, the decon team marks the area as a contaminated area and reports its exact location to the COC. The COC informs higher headquarters using an NBC 4 report. Closing the Detailed Equipment Decon Area The DED is closed in sequence, starting at station 1. All vehicles, equipment, and nonexpendable supplies are inspected for contamination. If contamination is found, it is decontaminated. The actions at each station are described below. . Station 1- Initial Wash. Spray all vehicles and equipment with hot, soapy water to remove any contamination that could have been transferred during initial wash operations. Drain the water billets or fabric tanks of water. Inspect all equipment and vehicles for contamination, using the appropriate detection equipment. If no contamination is detected, load the equipment on the vehicles. Spread one can of STB into each sump and then cover the sumps. Post NBC hazard markers near the covered sumps. . Station 2- DS2 Application. Throw mops and brushes used in applying DS2 into a sump or bury them. Load unused cans of DS2 and M13 DAPs on a vehicle. l Station 3- Wait/ Interior Decon. Inspect any unused supplies and equipment for contamination. If no contamination is detected, load the equipment and supplies on a vehicle. Throw contaminated supplies into the nearest sump. l Station 4- Rinse. Spray all vehicles and equipment with hot, soapy water to remove any contamination that could have been transferred during rinse. Drain the water billets or fabric tanks of water. Inspect all equipment and vehicles for contamination, using the appropriate detection equipment. If no contamination is detected, load the equipment on the vehicles. Spread one can of STB into each sump and then cover the sumps. Post NBC hazard markers near the covered sumps. NOTE: While DS2 destroys the chemical agents, some by-products created are also toxic. . Station 5- Monitor. Check all the equipment for contamination. If it is not contaminated, load it on a vehicle. If it is contaminated, then decontaminate it. Throw contaminated supplies into the nearest sump. Move all the vehicles just upwind of station 5 and inspect them again for contamination. If any contamination is detected, the crew will use Ml 1 or M13 DAPs to decontaminate the identified areas. Once the vehicles are decontaminated, all personnel will proceed to the DTD. Closing the Detailed Troop Decon Area Once all personnel from the DED have been processed through the DTD, the DTD may be closed. After the last person has exited the DTD, the following steps for closing the DTD are as follows: . Pickup all used supplies from station 7 and put them in the station 7 sump. Pickup the contamination control line. If tape was used, dispose of it in station 7 sump. . Move all usable supplies and equipment from all the stations to station 1. Discard unusable supplies from stations 5, 4, and 3 into station 1 sump. . Decontaminate all supplies and equipment collected at station 1, using the decontaminant and rinse water at station 1. Empty the rinse and decontaminant containers from station 1 into the sump. . Mark the entire decon area. Remove the overgarments using the MOPP gear exchange technique and dispose of the overgarments in the sump at station 1. . Move any equipment used to fill the sump upwind of the decon area. Decontaminate the rubber gloves and move all the equipment and supplies in station 1 upwind of the decon area. Keep this equipment and supplies separate from that used to fill the sump. . Your overboots and gloves may now be contaminated. Remove them. Dig a hole and bury them. Mark the hole and/ or area.
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