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Snack bars will be inspected twice monthly by a representative of the medical department. The snack bar operator must receive a physical examination from the medical department before assuming duties in the snack bar. This physical must be redone annually. The following sanitation regulations apply in the snack bar:
. Snack bar operators are considered foodservice workers and the standards of health and personal hygiene apply.
. To safeguard the health of personnel, the medical department will inspect all food offered for sale.
. Syrup containers should be cleaned inside out and no caking or drying should be allowed.
. Only paper or plastic containers can be used for dispensing drinks. Disposable spoons should be used for ice cream and ice-cream sodas. All utensils (including spoons, spatulas, dippers, scoops, and so forth) used for dispensing ice cream and other frozen desserts will be kept either in running water or in water maintained at 180 F between each serving.
. All equipment and utensils used to manufacture ice cream and frozen desserts will be cleaned thoroughly, rinsed with clean water, and disinfected just before use with a chlorine solution containing not less than 50 ppm of chlorine. The interior of the machine or interior parts that come in contact with the mixes will not be touched with the hands after reassembly and disinfection until ready for disassembly and cleaning again.
. All foods will be kept under secure covers to prevent excessive handling and prevent contact with dust or insects.
. Refrigerators will be kept clean at all times. No spilled ice cream or syrup should remain on the bulkheads or deck of the boxes for more than a few minutes.

Western Governors University

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