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The main purpose of barbershop sanitation is to prevent the spread of infectious diseases. Since rendering barbering service requires direct contact with the customers, skin, scalp, and hair sanitation cannot be overemphasized. Barber-shops should be inspected a minimum of once a month by a representative of the medical depart-ment. Before assuming duties as a shipboard barber, you will receive a physical examination. After the initial physical examination it will be repeated on an annual basis.

Since the main purpose of sanitation is to prevent the spread of infectious disease, you should familiarize yourself with ways of preventing the spread of disease. Contagious diseases, skin infections, and blood poisoning are caused by transferring infectious material from one person to another, or by using unsanitary tools. Dirty hands or fingernails are also sources of contagion. Bacteria, commonly known as germs, are one-cell microorganisms found nearly everywhere. Bacteria exist on the skin, water, air, decayed matter, in the secretion of body openings, on the clothing, and under the fingernails. The micro-organisms are normally not visible to the naked eye.

Nonpathogenic Bacteria
There are hundreds of types of bacteria; they are classified into two groups. The first group is nonpathogenic, which is harmless bacteria that constitutes the majority of all bacteria.

Pathogenic Bacteria
Although pathogenic bacteria are the minority of all bacteria, they can cause considerable damage by attacking plant or human tissue. It is because of pathogenic bacteria, which produce disease, that barbershop sanitation is necessary. This group of bacteria belongs to the parasite family which requires living matter to grow.

There are basically two types of infections that pathogenic bacteria can cause, local infections and general infections. A local infection is indicated by a boil or pimple containing pus. A general infection results when bacteria enter the bloodstream. Control of bacterial infections can only be done through the use of proper sanitation practices. Although all bacteria cannot be killed, they can be kept inactive or harmless through proper sanitation.

To render all inactive bacteria harmless, all barbering tools must be sanitized. For a barber to do this, the following necessary sanitizing equipment and supplies must be available:

l Chemical disinfectants
l Wet disinfectant (jars using prescribed Navy disinfecting solutions)
l Disinfecting cabinet

Western Governors University

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