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NAVSUP Form 973

The Intra-Store Transfer Data, NAVSUP Form 973, is prepared in quadruplicate. It is used to move stock between bulk storerooms, sales outlets, and service activities. A separate NAVSUP Form 973 must be used for each sales outlet or service activity requesting the material and will not be prepared for money value only.

The NAVSUP Form 973 is shown in figure 2-5. The ROM system will print the form once you enter the requested items in the ROM system data base via the intrastore transfer function. The intrastore transfer function is accessed from the ROM master menu when selection 7 is made. At

Figure 2-4.-The Number Control, NAVSUP Form 980. 2-6

Figure 2-5.-The lntra-Store Transfer Data, NAVSUP Form 973.

the time of request, a control number is automagically assigned to the NAVSUP Form 973.

After the NAVSUP Form 973 is prepared, there are certain procedures that you must follow when using it. First, the document must be distributed properly. The original and duplicate copy are given to the bulk storeroom custodian to issue the stock. The triplicate copy is retained by the recordskeeper. The quadruplicate copy is given to the sales outlet or service activity operator receiving the stock.

On receipt of the original and duplicate copy of the NAVSUP Form 973, the bulk storeroom custodian will break out the stock. The bulk storeroom custodian must record the quantities broken out on the two documents and sign and forward the original to the office recordskeeper while retaining the duplicate copy for his or her records. The sales outlet or service activity operator will not have access to the original or the duplicate copy. Once the stock is received in the sales outlet or service activity, the operator records the quantities received on the quadruplicate copy of the NAVSUP Form 973, acknowledges receipt of the stock by signing the quadruplicate copy, and forwards it directly to the recordskeeper.

In manual recordskeeping, once the recordskeeper receives both the original and quadruplicate copies, the quantities broken out and received will be compared. If there are no differences, the

quantities received will be circled on the original and entered and circled on the triplicate copy. The sales outlet or service activity operator will sign the original and the triplicate copy. The original will be forwarded to the ship's store officer for extensions and compared with the triplicate copy. It will then be filed in the Accountability File, SSA-21. The recordskeeper will use the triplicate copy for posting the records.

If there are no discrepancies between the original and the quadruplicate copy in ROM procedures, the quantities received will be circled on the original and the triplicate copy of the intrastore transfer request. The original and triplicate copies are signed by the sales outlet or service activity operator receiving the stock. The recordskeeper will then enter the information into the ROM and generate and print the final intrastore transfer. The original of the final intrastore transfer is matched with the original of the intrastore transfer request. Both documents are then forwarded to the ship's store officer and filed in the Accountability File, SSA-21. The triplicate copy along with the final intrastore transfer are filed in the Number Control and Breakout File, SSA-2. The quadruplicate copy is returned to the person receiving the stock.

If a discrepancy is noted between what the bulk storeroom custodian broke out and what the sales outlet or service activity operator received, an inventory will be conducted immediately of the item in the bulk storeroom and the count compared against the corresponding Stock Record, NAVSUP Form 464. After reaching an agreement on the actual quantities broken out, the bulk storeroom custodian and the sales outlet or service activity operator will correct and initial all copies of the NAVSUP Form 973. If an agreement cannot be reached, the ship's store officer will make the final determination based on all known circumstances and initial the changes on the NAVSUP Form 973.

When ROM users note a discrepancy between the quantities broken out and received, the problem is taken care of in the same manner as

discussed previously in manual procedures. ROM users will enter changes to the amounts broken out on the original intrastore transfer request to the final intrastore transfer. The recordskeeper will print the final intrastore transfer and compare it to the original intrastore transfer request to make sure they match. The documents are then filed as discussed earlier.


File SSA-3 is the journal of receipts and journal of expenditures file. This file contains the NAVSUP Forms 977 and 978.

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