Click here to Order your Radar Equipment Online UNIT 1LESSON 1 SYSTEM OF MEASUREMENT OVERVIEW Recognize how the Metric
System and the English System are used in meteorology. Metric System English System SYSTEM OF MEASUREMENT To work in the field of meteorology, you must Learning Objective: Recognize the units of measure used in the Metric System and the English System and how these systems of measurement are used in Meteorology. The metric system is easy to learn as it is based on decimals. Because metrics are widely used in the field of meteorology, they are used throughout the manual. An introduction to metrics is presented in this unit. For a more detailed discussion of metrics, you should refer to OCC-ECC, The Metric System, NAVEDTRA 475-01-00-79. As you saw earlier, the metric system uses centimeter-gram-seconds (CGS) to describe physi-cal events. These units measure length, weight, and time, respectively. The derivation of those units are described briefly. LENGTH To familiarize you with the conventional units of metric length, start with the meter. The meter is slightly larger than the English yard (39.36 inches vs 36 inches). Prefixes are used in conjunction with the meter to denote smaller or larger units of the meter. Each larger unit is ten times larger than the next smaller unit. (See table 1-1-1.)Table 1-1-1.Common prefixes used in the Metric System
Since the C in CGS represents centimeters (cm) To describe a gram, the G in the CGS system, you must first have a familiarization with area and volume. |
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