Click here to Order your Radar Equipment Online Solar Composition The Sun may be described as a globe of gas heated to incandescence by thermonuclear reac-tions from within the central core.The main body of the Sun, although com-posed of gases, is opaque and has several distinct layers. (See fig. 1-2-1.) The first of these layers beyond the radiative zone is the convective zone. This zone extends very nearly to the Suns surface. Here, heated gases are raised buoyantly upwards with some cooling occurring and subsequent convective action similar to that which occurs within Earths atmosphere: The next layer is a
Above the chromosphere is the corona, Within the solar atmosphere we see the occurrence of transient phenomena (referred to as solar activity), just as cyclones, frontal systems, and thunderstorms occur within the atmosphere of Earth. This solar activity may consist of the phenomena discussed in the following paragraphs which collectively describe the features of the solar disk (the visual image of the outer surface of the sun as observed from outside regions). (See fig. 1-2-2.) |
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