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Once every month, inspect the level of the oil in the crankcase and see that it is within the limits specified.

Once every 6 months, lubricate the idler shaft with two or three applications of light cup grease; also, lubricate the gear teeth with a thin coating of the same grease. With a small brush, apply a light coating of Vaseline to the piston rod. To do this, dip the brush in Vaseline and hold the brush against the piston rod while rotating the gears manually until the piston rod has been coated completely. If necessary, tighten the packing at the piston stem. A special wrench is needed for this operation. Do not tighten excessively. Because of the design of the packing, it is necessary to make only a snug adjustment to have it hold tightly.

Keep the commutator or the motor clean. Under normal operating conditions, the commutator will require only occasional cleaning with a dry piece of nonlinting cloth. Never lubricate the commutator.

Drain and refill the crankcase at least once a year. The bearing housings of the motor, which also need attention at this time, should be cleaned and regressed by a qualified electrician. Use table 8-3 for servicing intervals.


The instruction book on lubrication for the Walter Kidde transfer unit recommends inspecting the oil level in the crankcase periodically and changing it as necessary. Here, experience with pumps dictates the time of action. One can establish and maintain a schedule compatible with the experience gained through operating the equipment. The plunger packing needs no oil.

Table 8-3.-C-O-TWO Unit Servicing Intervals

Western Governors University

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