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To Raise or Lower the Feed Dog

When at its highest position, the feed dog should usually rise above the throat (needle) plate the full depth of the teeth.

To adjust the position of the feed dog, loosen screw (J of fig. 9-50) and raise or lower the feed dog; then tighten the screw. When raising or lowering the feed dog, be careful that its underside does not drop so low that it strikes the hook.

Figure 9-52.-Adjusting thread take-up spring.

Adjustment of the Thread Take-up Spring

The thread take-up spring (K of fig. 9-52) should be set so that when the eye of the needle reaches the material on the downward stroke, the spring has completed its action and rests against the top of the thread take-up spring regulator.

If the thread take-up spring is not correct, loosen setscrew (L of fig. 9-52) and turn the tension stud (M) to the left for reduced movement of the spring, or to the right for more movement. After the take-up spring is set correctly, tighten setscrew (L).

Regulation of the tension of the thread takeup spring (K) is done by turning the tension stud (M) to the right to increase tension or to the left to decrease it. Tension of the spring should just be enough to take up the slack of the needle thread until the eye of the needle reaches the material on its downward movement.

Western Governors University

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