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NDI Operators

NDI operators are military personnel E-4 and above, or civilian equivalent, who have successfully completed training and are certified to perform specific NDI tasks using one or more of the following methods: liquid penetrant, eddy current, or magnetic particle. NDI operators may be assigned and used in IMAs to perform specific publication-directed NDI tasks only when the NDI workload exceeds the capacity of assigned NDI technicians. Each case of NDI operator use at I-level maintenance must be authorized by the cognizant ACC. Requests for such authorizations are made to the ACC via the appropriate wing.

Basic NDI operator training is provided by NADEPs and NDI specialists. When training is not available, ACCs may authorize the training of NDI operators by NDI technicians in specific liquid penetrant kit applications. NDI operator certification/recertification is provided by NDI specialists and NDI technicians. Rccertification of NDI operators is required annually. NDI operators at I-level activities must be closely monitored by qualified NDI technicians and by cognizant QARs/CDQARs. NDI operators are not authorized to operate radiographic or ultrasonic equipment. They may, however, be used to assist NDI technicians operating that equipment.

NDI technicians and operators must use the NDI method or methods for which they are certified at least two times each month, as evidenced by entries on their work record (OPNAV 4790/140). This can be done either through normal workload or practice applications. In those cases where the prescribed proficiency is not maintained for 1 or more months, technicians or operators can regain proficiency by making practice applications under the supervision of a certified NDI technician, who will provide recertification upon determination of proficiency. Failure to maintain proficiency for 6 months for NDI operators and 12 months for NDI technicians will require updated training for recertification. NDI technicians who fail to maintain proficiency for 3 years or more will require complete retraining. In all cases exceeding 6 months for operators and 12 months for technicians, authorization for updated training or complete retraining is requested from the cognizant ACC.

Activities that are authorized to certify/recertify NDI technicians and operators must administer an


Figure 15-1.-NDI Certification Record (OPNAV 4790/139).

appropriate written test on the NDI methods involved. The NA 01-1A-16 manual is the source for test questions. Personnel being certified or recertified will also be required to demonstrate the ability to perform NDI inspections as appropriate. The objective is to provide sufficient testing of the candidate to ensure the person is competent to conduct NDIs.

The effectiveness of the NDI program can be enhanced through development of new NDI techniques/applications by efficient and inventive NDI personnel. Useful new techniques, so developed, will be submitted to the appropriate CFA for approvaI and distribution to other fleet activities. An information copy is submitted to the ACC NDI specialist.

Western Governors University

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