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This form (fig.15-1) provides a record of certification. The original copy goes to the individual, with one copy each to quality assurance/analysis (QA/A) and the division officer. All certified NDI personnel must initiate and maintain individual records of NDI performed.


Figure 15-2.-NDI Technician/Operator Work Record (OPNAV 4790/140).


This form (fig. 15-2) is used to record and verify NDI performed. Entries will be verified by the individuals work center supervisor, or, if the work center supervisor performs the NDI, by QA/A. Personnel doing repetitive NDI, such as eddy current on aircraft wheels, may record weekly entries, as indicated on the sample entry in figure 15-2. Upon transfer, NDI work records are carried by the individual to his/her next command.


NDI is of vital concern at all levels of mainte-nance, and all operational and support commanders should direct their efforts toward its proper use. NDI is used in the maintenance of Navy aircraft and aircraft systems wherever contributions to safety, reliability, QA, performance, or economy can be realized. The following text discusses the various commands and their responsibilities pertaining to the NDI program.

Western Governors University

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