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EXPENDITURE RECORD LOG AND INVOICE FILE An expenditure record log is used to control expenditure document number assignments and to provide a record of all expenditures except issues to the activity's work centers and supported units. The log should contain an entry for each transfer, cash sale, and survey processed by the activity. Batch entries maybe made for transfers generated by automated off-load processing. As a minimum, the expenditure record log should contain the following information: l The expenditure document number includes the UIC, Julian date, and serial number. Do not duplicate the document number except for replenishment of aviation depot level repairable depot level repairable (AVDLR/DLR). l The expending department's name or title. l The activity where material is transferred to or the disposition of material. l Material identification such as the stock number, part number, and nomenclature of the item. l Remarks column for additional information concerning the transaction. The expenditure invoice file contains the original of each transfer, cash sale, or survey document processed by the activity. This file is maintained in Julian-date and serial-number sequence and retained for a period of 3 years. The authority for the supply department to issue material is a customer request submitted on-line via the NALCOMIS, SUADPS-RT, or off-line (manually) by submission of a DD Form 1348 (6-pt), or by any other locally acceptable form. Requests for material from customers received on locally approved forms (off-line submission) contain the following minimum information: l NSN/NICN/local item control number (LICN) or part number l Unit of issue l Quantity l Document number l Chargeable end-use fund code l Project/priority code l Advice code, if applicable l Maintenance data system (MDS) data, if applicable l COG (not carried items only) l Nomenclature (not carried items only) Material requests received off-line are entered manually in NALCOMIS by using the material contingency procedures. The requests may also be entered directly in SUADPS-RT, or processed completely off-line if necessary. Issues processed off-line must be recorded in SUADPS-RT using the post-post option. Issue Processing (On-Line) On-line processing of material requests consists of the real-time requisition processing, manual storeroom/warehouse processing, customer delivery/pick-up, and warehouse processing (SUADPS-RT). Real-Time Processing Material requests entered via the NALCOMIS or SUADPS-RT either by the customer or the supply department are automatically validated. The information on the requisition is checked against the validation tables or files to make certain that only valid data has entered the system. Validation errors will cause an error message to be displayed, and the condition must be corrected before the processing can continue. After successfully completing the validation process, the computer automatically checks if material or acceptable substitutes is available. If the requested material or substitute is available, the computer produces the picking ticket or issue document (DD Form 1348- 1). A record for each picking ticket is established in the issue pending file. Material determined to be not carried (NC) or not in stock (NIS) is procured under on-line DTO procurement processing. Storeroom/Warehouse Processing Storeroom or warehouse personnel use the computer-generated issue document or picking ticket to find the material. After locating, the material is physically moved to a designated issue staging area. When material cannot be located in any of the locations indicated on the issue document (up to four locations may be indicated), additional locations maybe obtained from the material location file. Stores/material personnel process the issue document as follows: . All locations indicated on the issue document (DD Form 1348-1) are searched for sufficient quantity to fill the requirement. If material cannot be located, the surrounding locations should also be searched. . Material available to fill the requirement is moved from the storage location to a central staging area for turnover to the requesting work center or supported activity. l The individual staging the material puts his/her initials, the date, and the staging area location on the issue document. l Attach one copy of the issue document to the material. l The material is delivered to the customer contact point or picked up by the customer from the staging area. For detailed procedures in processing complete or partial issue, total NIS or warehouse refusal, refer to your activity's operating manual. Customer Delivery When the material is picked up by or delivered to the customer, the customer signs and enters the current date on the issue document (delivery copy). The signed copy is forwarded to the processing point for the particular storage area. Processing Proof of Delivery When the processing point receives the delivery copy, the issue transaction is processed into the NALCOMIS or SUADPS-RT. When the original requirement is NIS (completely or partially) and the balance is still required, screen the substitute file. If substitute item is available, notify the customer and offer the item for issue. When substitute item is not available and remaining quantity is still required, process a DTO requisition. After processing the DTO requisition, mark the original issue document with "Recorded in SUADPS," initial, and forward to stock control for filing in the history file. Files Updated Upon completion of warehouse action processing, the computer files are updated as a result of the issue transaction. The on-hand quantity is reduced by the quantity issued to reflect the quantity remaining in the storeroom or warehouse locations. When the issue is maintenance related, a maintenance data collection (MDC) record is added to the applicable file. The data included are the job control number (JCN), document number, NSN, work unit code, and so forth. Refer to OPNAVINST 4790.2 for additional information on maintenance reporting. Issues of AVDLR/DLR material at aviation activities will update the repairable tracking file. This file contains the requisition generated to replenish the item for stock. The issue transaction record is added to the financial holding file and held until financial posting and reporting are completed at the end of the month's financial processing. The issue transaction is added to the material transaction ledger file for later review on the cumulative transaction ledger (CTL) and subsequent research requirements. When the issue is partial NIS or total NIS, the DTO requisition for the NIS quantity is established in the basic requisition file. When the issue is partial NIS or total NIS, the off-station DTO requisition for the remaining quantity is added to the transaction holding file pending requisition release Processing by stock control. Maintenance Support Package (MSP) material consists of small, low-cost, aviation consolidated allowance list (AVCAL) allowance stock material. Items included in an MSP are designated by the supply officer and are identified on the basic material file by setting the MSP indicator. MSPs are centrally located in or near aviation maintenance facilities to provide easy access to maintenance personnel. Items in MSP are issued to satisfy immediate maintenance requirements. Requests for additional quantities and intended for stock-piling by work centers is not permitted. ISSUE PROCEDURES.- Issues from MSP are accomplished according to the procedures outlined in NAVSUP P-567 or they maybe done off-line using a locally developed drop sheet form. When the drop sheet is used, issues are conducted upon presentation of a Maintenance Action Form (MAF) or a facsimile printout. A separate line entry is made on the drop sheet for each item issued. Daily MSP issues are recorded in SUADPS-RT using the MRI post-post option described in SUADPS-RT Support Procedures, volume 2, chapter 3. MSP LISTINGS.- A listing of MSP material is produced using the master stock status and locator listing (MSSLL) and general selector functions of SUADPS-RT processing. These lists should be made available to all user departments and updated periodically to maintain current data. |
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