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CRITERIA FOR SUPPLY SYSTEM STOCK.- Prepare a DD Form 200 for unresolved discrepancies involving supply system stock material categories as follows: l Sensitive items such as drugs, precious metals, narcotics, and alcohol regardless of money value . l Classified material regardless of dollar value. l Arms, ammunition, and explosives regardless of dollar value. l Pilferable, valuable, and attractive items that easily convert to personal use (such as hand tools, individual clothing, office machines, and photographic equipment) and when extended dollar value of a line item discrepancy is $750.00 or more. l Bulk petroleum products when the loss exceeds stated allowances. l Noncontrolled items when the extended dollar value exceeds the causative research threshold of $2,500 ($5,000 for CLF food items). o Any adjustments to AVDLR/DLR, regardless of dollar value. . Discrepancy or repetitive loss where there is an indication or suspicion of fraud, theft, or negligence. CRITERIA FOR PROPERTY BOOK MATERIAL.- Property book material consists of all government property other than supply system stock. It includes military real property, military personal property, weapons and other military equipment in use, and plant equipment. When property book material is lost, commanding officers must determine if a DD Form 200 is required to assign responsibility, adjust records, or provide relief from accountability. As a rule, all items are subject to survey procedures with the following exceptions: l When the loss of a motor vehicle is involved, a motor vehicle accident investigation report may be used instead of the report of survey. The accident report may be used for survey purposes only when the investigation clearly indicates that there is no negligence, personal injury, or claim against the government. . Discrepancies in quantities transferred to disposal DRMO are not surveyed provided that the value of the loss is less than $300 per line item and does not involve sensitive items. A pattern of shortages may trigger an investigation to identify theft or intentional losses of items to avoid preparing turn-in documents. l Special tooling and special testing equipment reporting procedures should be provided by the cognizant laboratory or hardware systems command. l Property lost during combat operations. These losses are accounted for in other regulation and need not be reported on DD Form 200. Missing, Lost, Stolen, and Recovered Reports In addition to the above procedures, SECNAVINST 5500.4 should be consulted with respect to the policy of missing, lost, stolen, and recovered (MLSR) reports The MLSR (message report) is required for adjustments of sensitive or classified items such as arms, ammunitions, and explosives. The DD Form 200 is used as the final report if a sensitive item is in the inventory. Material damaged in shipment and in transit that is reported on Standard Form (SF) 364 or SF 361 also requires a DD Form 200 as a final report. Responsibility for Survey Actions The discrepancies that require a DD Form 200 are subject to review/approval by the individuals listed in table 3-3. The Accountable Officer is an individual appointed by proper authority who maintains items/financial records in connection with government property. The property may be in his/her own possession, in storage, or in the possession of others. The accountable officer may entail financial liability for failure to exercise his/her obligation. For supply system stocks, the stock control officer is normally assigned this responsibility (figure 3-1). The Responsible Officer is an individual appointed by proper authority to exercise custody, care, and safekeeping of property book material. The Reviewing Authority is an individual designated in writing by the Approving Authority to review and analyze the results of supply system stock research. The Appointing Authority is an individual designated in writing by the Approving Authority. (NOTE: The Approving Authority may act as the Appointing Authority.) The Appointing Authority performs the following: . Appoints financial liability officers when required Approves or disapproves the recommendations of the Responsible Officer, Reviewing Authority, or Financial Liability Officers Recommends actions to the Responsible Officer The Approving Authority makes determination to relieve involved individuals from responsibility or accountability or approve the assessment of financial liability. The Approving Authority may act as the appointing authority or designate an Appointing Authority in writing. The Approving Authority is normally senior in rank to the Appointing Authority. The approving authority is normally the commanding officer with the following exceptions: b The CO may authorize the supply officer to approve surveys of Defense Business Operations Fund (DBOF) material valued at less than $10,000. l The Approving Authority may not be directly accountable or responsible for the property being surveyed. Survey Process The steps for processing surveys include the following: Initiation of inquiries Review process
Table 3-3.-Role of Individuals in a Survey Process Recommendations for unresolved discrepancies that indicate no personal responsibility Investigations and documentation of facts concerning unresolved discrepancies that indicate evidence of personal responsibility Approval of the report In some cases, the discrepancy may require submission of other reports. For example, losses of controlled substances require a report to Drug Enforcement Administration according to NAVSUPINST 4440.146. Preparation of DD Form 200 The DD Form 200 is used to document the report of survey and certify the survey process when government property is lost, damaged, or destroyed. This form is the official document to support establishment of debts, relief from accountability, and adjustment to accountable records for supply system stock and property book material. The preparation of the DD Form 200 may vary slightly, depending on the nature of the asset (property book material or supply system stock). Refer to NAVSUP P-485 for specific instructions in preparing the DD Form 200. Distribution of the Completed DD Form 200 Upon completion of the survey, distribute the DD Form 200 accordingly. The originating activity retains the original copy unless required by higher authority. A duplicate copy is returned to the appropriate property officer to replace the quadruplicate copy, which may then be destroyed. Forward a third copy to the disbursing officer if pecuniary liability is assessed. If pecuniary liability is not assessed, the triplicate copy is destroyed. Forward copies of DD Form 200 for surveys exceeding $100,000 to the type commander with the monthly financial returns. |
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