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The approved DD Form 200, preliminary and causative research findings and recommendations, and all other documentation related to the surveyed material should be retained for a period of 2 years. Requirements and Limitations Regarding Withholding the Pay of Personnel There is no statutory authority for withholding the pay of nonaccountable persons for the loss of or damage to government property. It is the policy of the Department of the Navy that, in the absence of statutory authority, an individual's pay may not be withheld for loss of or damage to government property unless the individual voluntarily consents to the withholding. However, under the provisions of Title 31, United States Code 89-92, the Commander, Naval Supply Systems Command (COMNAVSUPSYSCOM) is authorized to make determinations relating to the responsibility of accountable officers for the loss of property entrusted to them that occurred through the negligence of the accountable officer. Determinations of COMNAVSUPSYSCOM are made on the basis of technical and legal review of evidence contained in investigations conducted according to the provisions of the Judge Advocate General (JAG) Manual, chapter 2. The indebtedness of an accountable officer is established when the commander or director certifies to the General Accounting Office. This is considered sufficient to permit withholding of current pay, as well as final pay, as prescribed in the Department of Defense Pay and Entitlements Manual. For nonaccountable persons, indebtedness may be established according to the provisions of the JAG Manual, section 0167, and NAVCOMPT Manual, Volume 4. Reimbursement to the Government Collecting or checking a pay record for loss or damage to government property by naval personnel is not authorized unless the member concerned voluntarily consents, in writing, to such action (refer to NAVCOMPT Manual, paragraph 043114-2). When the person voluntarily agrees, the following procedures apply. COLLECTIONS FROM ENLISTED PER-SONNEL.- The commanding officer or officer in charge should advise enlisted personnel who voluntarily agree to reimburse the government of their: l right to legal counsel, l right to rebut the findings, l right to make remittance direct to the disbursing officer, and l right to appeal the finding of the report of survey. COLLECTIONS FROM OFFICERS.- When an officer or warrant officer is held pecuniarily liable, the commanding officer or officer in charge (OIC) notifies the individual of his/her legal rights. The CO or OIC requests the individual to accomplish the following actions: . Remit the amount to the local disbursing officer and furnish a copy of the receipt to accompany the DD Form 200. l Authorize the preparation of a Military Pay-Adjustment Authorization, DD Form 139. The CO or OIC sends a copy of the approved DD Form 200 to the disbursing officer for collection. EVIDENCE OF NEGLIGENCE-RE-IMBURSEMENT.- When the results of the research are positive and the responsible individual admits pecuniary liability for a loss, damage, or destruction not exceeding $500, he or she may agree to reimburse the government in one of two ways. The individual may pay in cash, in which case a Cash Collection Voucher, DD Form 1131, is processed. The other way is to grant permission for preparation of a Military Pay-Adjustment Authorization, DD Form 139, authorizing a deduction from his or her pay. A Report of Survey, DD Form 200, is processed in all cases when the dollar amount exceeds $500. SUMMARY In this chapter we discussed the procedures for processing receipts. We discussed how receipt processing is enhanced by proper layout of workspaces, procedures, personnel, material handling equipment, and storage areas. We also discussed the different ways and places we may receive and process materials and the people involved to accomplish them. We have learned that the basic procedures for processing receipts ashore or afloat is the same. The basic procedure includes inspection and verification (if required), documentation, maintaining proof of delivery, appropriate storage (as needed), and recording the transactions. Material may be received by the supporting activity as direct turnover (DTO) to the customer or for supply stock. These actions occur as a result of requisitions submitted by the customer or for stock replenishment. The supporting supply activity may also receive materials when the customer returns them for a reason. Customers return material to the supply activity because the material is no longer required. In some cases, materials not conforming to requirements or are quality deficient are also returned to supply. In this chapter, we also discussed the procedures we may take to report receipt discrepancies. The discrepancies should be reported on time, using the proper forms, and copies of the report are distributed to the proper activities. We also discussed the different types of material expenditures, the procedures to accomplish the transactions, and the References that support them. This chapter will help you perform the following tasks: l Monitor receipt and disposition of material l Manage the aviation consolidated allowance list, the shore consolidated allowance list, and monitor repairable management through receipts and expenditure processing |
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