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STOCK REVIEWS.- Stock excess reviews of materials in W or L purpose must be conducted on a regular basis. Material identified as excess is expended from inventories. Transaction Item Reporting (TIR) activities must pick up the excess items in A purpose (wholesale) and submit the TIR to the NAVICP. The TIR must be submitted with a document identifier D6_, project code RDE, and management code C. For 7_ Cog items, use the same fired code that is being used locally. For APA Cog items, use fund code 26. Use fired code Y6 for 0_ Cog items. NOTE: The local fund code used for excess will direct any credit granted by the NAVICP to the operating budget/TYCOM. Non-TIR activities ship excess material to the nearest TIR activity on a DD Form 1348-1 or DD Form 1348-1A, The document identifier of the shipping document must be with a blank. Use project code RDE, management code C, and the appropriate fund code for the cognizance symbol of the material as described above. RE-AVCAL.- Excess material is identified after updating the basic material file with the revised AVCAL allowance. Offload and turn-in excess material to the nearest TIR activity using the DD Form 1348-1 or DD Form 1348-1A as the shipping document. Assign document identifier RDE the management code Con the shipping document. For 7R Cog items, use fund code QZ. Use fund code Y6 for APA and 0_ Cog items. If the item being turned-in is a 7_ Cog, annotate the shipping document with NRFI or RFI DLR TURN-IN FOR POSSIBLE CREDIT in the remarks block (AA-BB). Engineering Investigation (EI)/Quality Deficiency Report (QDR) An engineering investigation (EI) is a report of material failures. The quality deficiency report (QDR) is a report of the deficiency of new or newly reworked material. Return EI/QDR material exhibits via the ATAC Hub transportation channels on a DD Form 1348-1 or DD Form 1348-1A turn-in document. Use document identifier BEI (for EI) and BQD (for QDR) on the turn-in document. Annotate condition code L in record position 71/B1ock P of the DD Form 1348-1 turn-in document. Put the assigned EI/QDR control number in Block D of the DD Form 1348-1 turn-in document. Additional turn-in requirements are as follows: . Ensure all documents accompanying the material exhibit contain the EI/QDR control number. . Attach an EI/QDR label to the container of each material exhibit. These labels come in two different sizes: 1" x 18" (NAVSUP Form 1398) and 1" x 6" (NAVSUP Form 1398-1). . Mark all accompanying paperwork with EI/QDR. . Use the same document number as the replacement requisition on the turn-in document to complete the carcass tracking loop. Do not use the document number under which the deficient material was originally received on the turn-in document. If the turn-in document number does not match the replacement requisition, submit an advance BK2 with response code B to the NAVICP. Refer to NAVSUP P-437, NAVSUP P-485, or NAVSUP P-545 for the BK2 document format. Weapons Replaceable Assembly (WRA) Turn-in A weapons replaceable assembly (WRA) must be turned-in as a complete unit. If a shop replaceable assembly (SRA) is missing, the activity that turned-in the WRA will be billed for the SRA if no turn-in for the SRA is recorded. The naval aviation depot or other repair facility submits the replacement requisition for the missing SRA. The requisition will have an advice code 5G if the activity who turned-in the WRA can be identified. An advice code 5A will be used when the activity who turned-in the WRA cannot be identified. If the turn-in activity can be identified through any of the accompanying documentation, the repair facility sends a variance report to the NAVICP. The variance report includes the following information: l National stock number (NSN) of the WRA, l turn-in document number of the WRA, l NSN and nomenclature of the missing SRA, l turn-in document number of the missing SRA (if available), and l requisition number for the replacement of the missing SRA. The NAVICP uses the information in the variance report to search the carcass tracking record (CTR) if the missing SRA was turned-in. If a turn-in is recorded in the CTR, the carcass tracking loop and additional billing on the repair facility's replacement requisition is closed. If no turn-in is recorded, the NAVICP sends a follow up to the activity that turned-in the WRA requesting information on the SRA. If the turn-in activity cannot provide the information, the activity will be billed for the value of the missing SRA. Advanced Traceability and Control (ATAC) The ATAC program has simplified the DLR retrograde process. The ATAC program provides the following efforts: . Provides traceability and accountability l Establishes consolidation and shipping nodes and centralize processing Hubs l Ensures processing of TIR for retrograde material to the NAVICP l Reduces carcass tracking follow-ups l Reduces delays in transportation and processing l Provides database of information for tracking retrograde from receipt in ATAC to delivery to designated repair point (DRP)/designated support point (DSP) Refer to NAVSUPINST 4421.20 for detailed information on the ATAC program. |
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