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The carcass tracking program ensures accountability and return of repairable retrograde in the Navy supply system. Repairing a non-RFI depot level repairable (DLR) item is less expensive than buying a new replacement item. In most cases, it is also faster to repair than to buy the items. Since DLR items are expensive and need a long procurement lead time, repair of non-RFI DLRs become the main source of replenishment. Therefore, it is imperative that non-RFI DLRs be returned according to the procedures in NAVSUP-P 545. Delay or erroneous shipment of a DLR retrograde adversely affects material availability and impacts the Navy's readiness. Definitions Some of the terms specifically used in the carcass tracking program are listed in the following definitions. Knowing these terms will help you learn and understand the scope of the program easier. Freight agent-A commercial activity under contract to the Navy. The freight agent at Nodes is responsible for the DLR receipt and consolidation and forwarding the DLR to the Hub. The agent at the Hub is responsible for processing the DLR receipts and subsequent delivery to DRP/DSP. Additionally, the freight agent maintains the transportation data for information and research. Hub-A Navy-operated facility that provides verification of a drawing/part number to the stock number of the DLR item. The Hub prepares and submits a report of discrepancies for discrepant receipts. The Hub also determines the DRP/DSP of the item and repacks material for shipment. After processing the receipt of a DLR, the Hub submits the transaction item report (TIR) to close the carcass tracking. Node-A DLR collection, consolidation, and transshipment point. The Node may be operated by a freight agent or government personnel. The Node does not perform validation of&awing/part number to stock number or submit a TIR. Managing the Turn-in Strict discipline in tracking the movement of DLRs is required at all supply system activities. The local procedures must include monitoring of the DLR from the time of requisition to the disposition of the turn-in. The supporting supply activity must monitor the DLR turn-in throughout the repair cycle in the intermediate maintenance activity (MA). If the IMA repairs the NRFI turn-in, the repaired item is returned to stock to replace the asset that was issued to the customer. 'Ibis process is considered as a closed loop with all actions completed within the activity and does not require a system carcass tracking. System Carcass Tracking A total system carcass tracking is required when an NRFI turn-in cannot be repaired locally and must be returned for repair at the depot repair facility. The total system carcass tracking procedures also apply to the DLR requisitions that are passed off station. These requisitions are passed off station to replenish stock assets or for direct turn over (DTO) to the customer, The DTO requisitions are submitted because the requisitioned item is not in stock/not carried (NIS/NC) in the supporting supply activity. The DTO requisition is submitted to the stock point or the inventory control point. The total system carcass tracking employs automated procedures involving CTRs to record the actions necessary for effective monitoring. Carcass Tracking Records (CTRs) The carcass tracking records (CTRs) are the data records for information essential to the effective tracking or monitoring of DLR carcasses. Carcass tracking records are established at the NAVICPs and user (customer) activities that stock and issue DLRs. NAVICP CARCASS TRACKING RECORD.- The purpose of the NAVICP CTR is to record and store data that applies to the issue/return of DLRs to provide proper inventory accounting of carcass returns. This record serves as the basis to monitor the DLR carcass turned-in by the user (customer). The NAVICP uses this record to determine if other actions should be performed concerning outstanding carcass turn-ins. Some of these actions include generating follow-up inquiries and forwarding additional billings to the customers. Each NAVICP maintains a master CTR containing transactions received from user (customer) activities. These transactions relate to the issue/receipt of DLRs under the NAVICP's cognizance and a NRFI DLR turn-in has been or will be turned-in as an exchange for an RFI DLR. All transactions and reports citing an exchange advice code received by the NAVICPs are recorded on the CTR and will open a record on the carcass tracking file. These transactions are identified with document identifiers A0_ (requisitions), A4_ (referrals), D7_ (issue TIR), B7A (non-TIR issue reports), D6_ (receipt TIRs), D6R (shipment notification), and FTA (automatic material returns to other services). In essence, an issue transaction or requisition citing an exchange advice code will open a record on the NAVICP's CTR. The matching receipt of NRFI turn-in transaction record reported by the DRP/DSP to the DRP will close the CTR. If records are not closed within the specified time frame, NAVICP-Phil will send a follow-up inquiry using document identifier BK1 to the requisitioner. The time frame for sending the follow-up for requisitions citing advice codes of 5G, 5V, or 56 starts from the date of requisition. For requisitions with service code N, NAVICP-Phil sends the follow-up 45 days from the requisition date. For requisitions with R or V service code, NAVICP-Phil sends the follow-up 60 days from the date of the requisition. The NAVICP-Mech sends the follow-up 90 days from the requisition date. The time frame for sending the follow-up for requisitions citing advice code of 5R, 5Y, 5S, or 52 starts from the date of issue of an RFI DLR. For requisitions with an N service code, NAVICP-Phil will send the follow-up 45 days from the issue date of the RFI DLR. For requisitions with service code R or V, NAVICP-Phil sends the follow-up 60 days from the issue date of RFI DLR. The NAVICP-Mech sends the follow-up 90 days from the issue date of RFI DLR. If the requisitioner fails to provide a satisfactory response to the BK1 follow-up inquiry, an additional billing to cover the carcass value could result. If the CTR shows that a transshipper is involved, the NAVICP sends a BK5 follow-up inquiry to the transshipper instead of a BK1 to the requisitioner. USER ACTIVITY CARCASS TRACKING RECORD FILE (CTRF).- User activities use this file to store data that may be required to respond to NAVICP's follow-up inquiry. The primary data in the CTRF is the proof of turn-in or shipment of DLR carcasses. The CTRFs established in other activities may vary according to the operating system being used. Normally, records are established in the CTRFs when a customer submits a DLR requisition citing an exchange advice code. Under mechanized procedures, the CTRP records are established on the file via the mechanized Master Repairable Item List (MRIL). The records in mechanized procedures are updated with shipping data input by shipping personnel. User activities using the manual method develops the local procedures for maintaining and using the CTRF. User activities use the information in the CTRF to respond to the NAVICP's follow-up inquiries. |
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