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The NALCOMIS is an integrated, online, real-time application system. Because the system is integrated in nature, data elements are defined only once. Any updates to the data elements are tightly controlled through secured transactions. These transactions are available online to authorized users or can be controlled through interfaces with outside systems. The database in NALCOMIS consists of dynamic and static data elements.

The static data elements are used mainly for reference or validation purposes during the operation of the system. Many of these elements are added to the system during initial installation. It requires minimal updates during the use of the system. These data elements are updated by the use of a unique set of programs. The programs are executed only by the authorized individual who is responsible for maintaining the integrity of the database. Some examples of static data elements are the Type Equipment Code (TEC) and the Work Unit Code (WUC). The TEC and WUC are identifiers on maintenance activity transactions and must be verified before information can be added to the database. With this reference information captured in the system, maintenance for a specific TEC or WUC can be summarized and reported for historical purposes.

The dynamic data elements are updated routinely through online transaction activity or interfaces with other systems. In NALCOMIS, data may be updated or changed by a single input or several inputs. For example, the status of requisitions can be updated by a user or an interface computer system. Users with the proper security authorization can input, update, display, report, and delete these data elements.


The output from NALCOMIS comes in different formats depending on the user's input. The output formats are described in the following paragraphs.

Display Screens

The output to the terminals can be viewed on the display screen. For inquiries, the data will be displayed on the screen with normal intensity. If the user is viewing an update/delete screen, the modifiable data will output to the screen in bright intensity and will be underscored.

Hardcopy Notices

The hardcopy notices are produced on paper products at a local printer. The data output on these notices include copies of data displayed on the terminal, formatted messages, or data for preprinted forms.

Hardcopy Reports

The hardcopy reports are produced by batch programs in the computer system. The reports usually contain multiple pages of data and are normally produced from a high-speed printer.

Magnetic Tapes

Magnetic tapes are used to record data for use as a backup in case the data is lost in the computer system. Magnetic tapes are also used to record data for history, interface to other computer systems, and offload/onload data.

Networks/External Interfaces

Communication networks facilitate transfer of data to other external computer system interface. For example, maintenance transactions are interfaced to the aviation 3-M systems. The interface allows communication between the two systems. Afloat, the NALCOMIS is interfaced to the Shipboard Uniform Automated Data Processing System (SUADPS). Ashore, NALCOMIS is interfaced with the host computer system such as Uniform Automated Data Processing System (UADPS).


Magnetic diskettes are used to transfer data upline to SUADPS for verification purposes. The batch portion of NALCOMIS results are stored in these diskettes on a periodic basis.

Western Governors University

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