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Most of the data collected by NALCOMIS is obtained from an authorized user entering the information on terminals. 'he system has a standard data entry screen for initially collecting information. It also has a standard update/delete screen for modifying or deleting previously entered information. All the data collected in NALCOMIS are subject to validation for accuracy in format, completeness, and logical relationships with other information. Users can benefit from the on-line and real-time capability of the system by entering the data immediately. This simply means that if there is an immediate requirement for material or services, submit the request right away.

Specific formats are used for collecting data in terms of online screen layouts and report layouts. You will become familiar with these layouts as you use them.

Some of the screen types are Data Entry, Delete, Key Prompt, List Display, List Select, Menu, Update, Update/Delete, and Display. Output formats for the reports generated by NALCOMIS include both hardcopy notices and batch reports.

In providing supply support, each task is assigned to different echelons of the supply department. You must know the various supply organizations and their responsibilities. The Aviation Support Division (ASD) organization and its responsibilities are described in the Naval Aviation Maintenance Program (NAMP), OPNAVINST 4790.2. Different areas in the ASD are responsible for perrforming their specific tasks. Each task involves processing transactions through the NALCOMIS or manual procedures. Each area of the ASD uses the NALCOMIS desktop reference to perform the automated functions. These functions are described in the following paragraphs.


The ASD consists of two sections: the Supply Response Section (SRS) and the Component Control Section (CCS). The units under the SRS are the Requisition Control Unit (RCU), the Technical Research Unit (TRU), the Program Management Unit (PMU), the Material Delivery Unit (MDU), and the Pre-Expended Bin Unit (PEBU). The units under the CCS are the Document Control Unit (DCU), the Local Repair Cycle Asset (LRCA) Storage Unit, the Supply Screening Unit (SSU), and the Awaiting Parts (AWP) unit.

The ASD uses different types of forms and documents in processing supply transactions. In NALCOMIS, the forms maybe generated by computer. These forms include the DD Form 1348 and DD Form 1348-1. The documents generated by NALCOMIS include Hard Copy Notice (HCN) and required reports. In manual procedures, the forms and documents used are those prescribed by NAVSUP P-437, NAVSUP P-485, and NAVSUP Publication 1, Volume 2.


A complete list of ASD responsibilities is defined in OPNAVINST4790.2. Some of these responsibilities are described in the following paragraphs.

Response Standards

The ASD must process requisitions and provide status according to the prescribed response standards.

The supply response standards are defined in OPNAVINST 4790.2.

Listings and Reports

A listing of outstanding Not Mission Capable

Supply (NMCS) and Partial Mission Capable Supply (PMCS) requisitions and status must be prepared daily. A copy of the listing is distributed to the appropriate organization for validation.

A copy of the AWP status report is provided to the IMA on a daily basis.

The Individual Component Repair List (ICRL) is used to determine the IMA's repair capability for a particular item.

Phase Kits

The ASD may establish a Phase Maintenance Kit Program when authorized by the type commander (TYCOM). When used, the following procedures apply: l l l l l l

Coordinate with maintenance activities to determine the material and quantity required to be stocked

Establish local procedures for ordering material

Make the required number of kits

Ensure the material in the kit is not overaged

Pre-expend the cost of the kits

Issue kits on demand

Supply Response Section (SRS)

The SRS serves as the single point of contact for satisfying material requirements received from maintenance. Mainly, the SRS supports the local Organizational Maintenance Activity (OMA) and Intermediate Maintenance Activity (IMA). The SRS is responsible for performing the following functions:

l Process requisitions (ensure requisitions have the required data)

l Maintain files for all requisitions

9 Transmit requests to other processing points as required

l Deliver all parts and material

l Monitor and review all mailbox messages in NALCOMIS

l Maintain PEB when authorized

l Expedite high priority requisitions (Refer to OPNAVINST 4790.2 for the list of mandatory data for requisitions in support of aviation maintenance.)

The supply response section processes requests for material as discussed in the following paragraphs.

CONSUMABLE MATERIAL PROCESS-ING.- In NALCOMIS, the SRS processes requirements for consumable material using the following procedures:

The OMA and IMA submit material requirements to SRS by using conversation codes N601, N602, N603 (PRE-X), N204, N251, and N253.

The SRS receives the hardcopy notice (HCN), DD Form 1348-1, via printer. (The status of the requisitions can be viewed by using conversation code N668 and entering the document date and serial number [DDSN]).

Material Is Available.- The SRS uses conversation code N610 to update the local status code (LSC) of the requisition. Conversation code N610 can also be used to input the alternate NIIN and the actual quantity that is being issued if it is different from the quantity ordered. This conversation code generates a DD Form 1348-1 for each Requisition record, as appropriate.

- Activities under UADPS-SP/DOSS use conversation code N613 (ROB). When used under SUADPS-RT3, it will create the supply interface records.

- The requisition status can be determined by using conversation code N668. The LSC of the requisition should be ISSIP/ROBN. At UADPS-Level 2 sites, status reads the ISSIP from incoming AE1 BA.

Upon notification, MDU picks up material from the designated pick-up point and delivers the material to the designated delivery point of the customer.

Upon receipt of the signed copy of the DD Form 1348-1, SRS processes the proof of delivery (POD) by using conversation code N615. This will update the LSC on the requisition to COMPL, CXCMP, OFISS, OFROB, or PARTR. (Upon completing the POD transaction in conversation code N615, conversation code N668 inquiry should have an LSC of COMPL.)

The LSC OFISS discrepancy may exist when the quantity entered in conversation code N610 does not match the issued quantity on conversation code N615. Perform the following steps to clear/update the requisition:

1. First, use conversation code N655 to view the DDSN in OFISS status. (Conversation code N668 inquiry status also reads OFISS.)

2. Second and final step, use conversation code N652 to update POD to equal ISSIP quantity. (If the transaction is successful, conversation code N668 inquiry should have an LSC of COMPL.)

Material Is Not Available.- When the material requested is not carred (NC) or not in stock (NIS), the following procedures apply:

. If material is not available, the LSC is updated to REFER by using conversation code N610. The requisition record is also identified as NIS or NC, referring to material availability. The REFER quantity can also be updated if it is different than the quantity ordered. (The status on conversation code N668 inquiry should read NC or NIS.)

. A copy of DD Form 1348-1 is forwarded to PMU for referral action. 

. Conversation code N689 is used to display all requisitions with an LSC of NIS or NC. 

l In pre-post activity (SUADPS-RT3), the following procedures are used to process requisitions with LSC of NIS/NC for referral:

- View DDSN with LSC NIS/NC by using conversation code N689. (The status code in conversation code N668 should be NIS or NC.)

- Select REFER in conversation code N610 screen by putting an X on the REFER block. This action also creates supply referral interface record. (After processing the transaction in conversation code N610, the status code in conversation N668 inquiry should read BM.)

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