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LEARNING OBJECTIVE Identify the types, purpose, and use of destructors (DSTs).

The destructor mine consists of an LDGP aircraft bomb and a Mk 75 modification kit. The Mk 75 modification kit (fig. 1-35) contains the Mk 32 arming device, Mk 59 booster, Mk 42 firing mechanism, and all necessary hardware (less battery and fin assembly) to convert an LDGP bomb to an air-laid mine. The firing mechanism of the Mk 42 arming device requires the use of a Mk 95 battery, which must be installed during assembly procedures.

With the Mk 75 kit installed, a Mk 82 LDGP bomb (500 pounds) becomes a Mk 36 DST, a Mk 83 LDGP bomb (1,000 pounds) becomes a Mk 40 DST, and a Mk 84 LDGP bomb (2,000 pounds) becomes a Mk 41 DST. The Mk 36 and Mk 40 DSTs can be dropped in the retarded or nonretarded mode of delivery. The installation of a conical fin provides nonretarded (free-fall) delivery only. The installation of a Snakeye fin assembly provides the pilot with the in-flight option of releasing the DST in the retarded or nonretarded mode. The Mk 41 DST is configured with a conical fin for nonretarded delivery only. DSTs are identified by

Figure 1-35.-Typical destructor configurations.

Figure 1-36.-DST identification markings.

the standard LDGP bomb markings plus white stripes (fig. 1-36).

Additional information on DSTs may be found in Destructor Mk 36, 40, and 41, all Mods, NAVSEA OP 3529.


LEARNING OBJECTIVE: Identify the purpose and use of the various configurations of the Mk 20, CBU-99, and CBU-100 antitank bomb clusters. Describe the functwn of the Mk 118 Mods 0 and 1 antitank bomb.

The antitank bomb cluster (fig. 1-37) is an air-launched, conventional free-fall weapon. The Mk 20 and CBU-99/CBU-100 are used against armored vehicles.

The CBUs are delivered to the fleet as completely assembled all-up-rounds (AURs). Fuzes, suspension lugs, arming wires, wire extractors, and all other necessary components are installed.

The Mk 20 bomb cluster weighs 490 pounds and contains 247 Mk 118 antitank bombs. The information on configuration, functional description, and shipping and storage containers of the Mk 7 bomb dispenser and its associated components can be found in NAVAIR 11-5A-3.

Western Governors University

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