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Monthly Reports

The monthly reports should be run at the beginning of every month (or as often as needed).

AGED NAR REPORT.- The Notice of Ammunition Reclassification (NAR) history file is searched for all records that do not have a date entered in the NAR completion date field. A listing is provided for all lots with the specific NAR number with a transaction date more than 2 days older than the current system date.

MASTER LOT ASSET DISCREPANCY REPORT.- This report is produced after various checks of data base quantities to assure data integrity.

INVENTORY ADJUSTMENT REPORT.- This report lists inventory adjustments and adjustment reversals by ATR Source code and extended dollar value of the adjustment. The report provides the Physical Security code. Information from this report is used to prepare the Physical Inventory report section of the DOD Inventory Control Effectiveness Report and to determine if there is a requirement to prepare a missing, lost or stolen report.

INVENTORY REMINDER REPORT.- This report lists assets that are required to be inventoried within the next 30 days. A requirement for annual or semiannual inventory is based on the Security Risk Code of the item. The date of last inventory of each National Item Identification Number in the master asset file is compared to the current system date and the inventory frequency requirement.

MAINTENANCE DUE DATE REMINDER REPORT.- Each record in the lot/serial asset file with a maintenance due date that expires within the next 3 months is listed on this report.

General Reports

The general reports are accessed through the inquiry subsystem and should be printed/run as often as needed.

ADDRESS REPORT.- The address report contains all the information on the address file (Unit Identification Code, activity name, routing Identifier code, plain language address used for naval messages, and the shipping address). This report is used to determine the addresses of activities that your FOSAMS activity issues to or receives ammunition from.

ALLOWANCE REPORT.- This report provides information on allowances, by NALC and COG, for each UIC. This report also lists NCEA expended year-to-date by UIC, and NALC substitutes. Types of allowances that could be listed are ABSLA, SHIPFILL, MISSION/CARGO, and NCEA.

BUILDING/HOLD REPORT.- This report contains the lists of static magazine characteristics and, optionally, the date of last inventory for a particular building/hold or for all locations.

DUE-IN REMINDER REPORT.- This report is used to determine what material has been requisitioned or is due in.

LOT ASSET REPORT.- This report provides a list of all lots at the site or specific lot information.

NAR REPORT.- This report contains all NAR information. The report can be obtained for a specific NAR number, NALC, NIIN, or all NARS.

NIIN ASSET REPORT.- This report provides information on all assets held on hand or reserved, or lists information pertaining to a specific NIIN.

RESERVATION REPORT.- This report is used to obtain information about material reserved for issued, for further transfer (FFT), and excess.


This report is used to determine where assets of a specific Physical Security code are stored.

SPACE CONTROL REPORT.- The information in this report includes building/hold, hazard class, waiver number (if applicable), cubic feet utilized, explosive weight utilized, cubic feet available, explosive weight available, and the Security Risk codes and Compatibility codes for material stored in a given building/hold.

TECHNICAL DATA REPORT.- This report is used to obtain technical data about any assets on hand.

TRANSACTION HISTORY REPORT.- This report provides a historical report of transactions, sorted by date, for a specific NALC/NIIN or all transaction between a range of dates.

VERIFICATION REPORT.- This report is used to determine what material has not been scanned and verified. When material is verified, the records are deleted from the verification report.


LEARNING OBJECTIVE: Describe the functions and state the purpose of the Conventional Ammunition Integrated

Management System (CAIMS).

The Conventional Ammunition Integrated Management System (CAIMS) is a management tool for all echelons of the Navy that relate assets to requirements and to inventory managers for item decisionmaking purposes. The Naval Ordnance Center (NAVORDCEN) in Mechanicsburg, Pennsylvania, maintains the CAIMS ammunition stock status file. Pertinent data is extracted from this file for distribution to interested fleet and area commanders. The CAIMS ammunition stock status file is not automatically distributed to commands. It is available and maybe requested by individual commands through normal chainof-command procedures. The CAIMS ammunition stock status file provides the following data:

1. Date of the last transaction report

2. Monthly and cumulative (to date this fiscal year) expenditures by ammunition type, as listed below:

a. Combat

b. Training

c. Test/evaluation

d. Noncombat operations

e. Disposal

f. Loss by inventory

g. Out of system transfers

3. Quantity on hand

a. Serviceable

b. Unserviceable/suspended

4. Allowance

5. Percent of allowance on board

The foregoing data is provided by Navy Ammunition Logistics Code (NALC), Department of Defense Identification Code (DODIC), or by activity (listing the NALCs/DODICs carried by each activity).

The accuracy of CAIMS relates to the ammunition actually on hand at your command. Therefore, you must accurately report all receipts, issues, Condition code changes, and inventory adjustments. Currently, Navy activities report to CAIMS by two methods- transaction item reports (TIRs) and ammunition transaction reports (ATRs). TIRs are transceived daily by activities that use automated information systems. ATRs are submitted by fleet activities via naval messages.

Western Governors University

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