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MILSTRIP requisitioning is based upon the use of the coded, single-line, item document, DD Form 1348. MILSTRIP relies upon automatic data processing equipment and coded data for processing requisitions. Therefore, the requisitioner must take extreme care in selecting and assigning coded data elements.

MILSTRIP documents consist of requisitions, follow-ups, and cancellations. There are two different methods for submitting ammunition MILSTRIP documents into the ammunition supply system. The choice and method are determined by the following criteria:

1. Submission by the Defense Automatic Addressing System (DAAS). Submission of MILSTRIP documents by the DAAS is the preferred method for submitting MILSTRIP documents, unless they are specifically excluded.

2. Submission by naval message. A naval message is used only for those MILSTRIP documents specifically excluded from submission by DAAS.

Requisition System Document (DD Form 1348)

Preparation of a DD Form 1348 requisition system document is described in detail in the following paragraphs. Refer to the sample DD Form 1348, shown in figure 17-9, as you read this section.

NOTE: A complete list of MILSTRIP codes are contained in NAVSUP Publication 437 or NAVSUP Publication 485. However, you can quickly locate commonly used codes and definitions by referring to the MILSTRIP/ MILSTRAP Desk Guide, NAVSUP Publication 409.

DATA BLOCK A (SEND TO:). Enter the Service Designator code, Unit Identification Code (UIC), and the name of the activity to which the requisition is submitted. Identification of the supply source is a mandatory entry. In this case, the service designator is indicated by the letter N and the UIC is indicated by the number 00109. This UIC identifies Naval Weapons Station, Yorktown, Virginia, as the supply source.

DATA BLOCK B (REQUISITION IS FROM:). Enter the Service Designator code, UIC, and name of the requisitioning activity.

DATA BLOCK C. You may enter the noun name of the item requested in this block This is an optional entry, and completion of block C depends upon local policy.

DATA BLOCKS D, E, and F. Leave these blocks blank.

CARD COLUMNS 1 THROUGH 3 (DOCUMENT IDENTIFIER). The Document Identifier code is a mandatory entry. It identifies the purpose of the document (requisition, follow-up, modifier, or cancellation). Supply actions, such as follow-ups, modifiers, and cancellations are discussed later in this chapter. To requisition enter the applicable document identifier as follows:

1. For material for delivery within the Continental United States (CONUS) or from an overseas activity to a Navy activity in the same geographic location, use one of the following document identifiers:

a. AOA when requisitioning with an NSN

b. AOD when requisitioning with a DODAC

c. AOE when the requisition contains data in the remarks block

2. For material to be delivered from CONUS to an overseas site, use one of the following document identifiers:

a. A01 when requisitioning with an NSN

b. A04 when requisitioning with a DODAC

c. A05 when the requisition contains data in the remarks block

Thus, the document identifier AOD informs you that the item is being requisitioned by using the item DODAC. It also informs you that both the supply source and the requisitioner are in CONUS; or, that both

Figure 17-9.-DD Form 1348.

the supply source and requisitioner are in the same geographic location overseas.

CARD COLUMNS 4 THROUGH 6 (ROUTING IDENTIFIER). The routing identifier identifies the activity that is to receive the requisition. The routing identifier is a mandatory entry. In this case, the routing identifier P72 identifies Naval Weapons Station, Yorktown, Virginia, as the activity that is to receive the requisition.

CARD COLUMN 7 (MEDIA AND STATUS CODE). The Media and Status (M&S) code is a mandatory entry. It is used to indicate the type of MILSTRIP status required, who is to receive the status, and by what communications media the status is to be furnished. The following three status types are available:

1. Exception status. This status provides information relative to any action taken by the supply source, other than issuing of the material requisitioned. For example, the requisition is rejected, or the requisition is referred to another activity for action.

2. 100 percent supply status. This status provides information relative to any action taken by the supply source, except shipping data.

3. Shipping status. This status provides positive advice concerning shipping. This includes date of shipment, mode, bill of lading, or airway bill.

Table 17-1 lists applicable M&S codes. Ships or squadrons within 60 days of deployment and deployed units use M&S code for all ammunition requisitions with priorities 1 through 8. Other afloat units and deployed units with requisition priorities 9 through 15 use one of the other M&S codes listed in table 17-1. As appropriate, shore activities may use any of the media and status codes listed in NAVSUPP-437. A copy of all status requested by requisitioners is automatically provided by the supply source to CINCLANTFLT, as well as the UIC in the supplementary address.

CARD COLUMNS 8 THROUGH 22 (STOCK NUMBER). These card columns are used to enter the DODAC (four-digit FSC plus the four-digit NALC) or NSN of the item being requisitioned. Either one or the other must be used. Make the entry beginning at the left, and leave any unfilled spaces blank. DODACs and NSNs are listed in the Navy Ammunition Logistic Codes, NAVAIR 11-1-116B/TW010-AA-ORD-030, and Stock List of Navy Ammunition, NAVAIR 11-1-116A/TW010-AA-ORD-010.

Table 17-1.-Media and Status(M&S) Codes

CARD COLUMNS 23 and 24 (UNIT OF ISSUE). Enter the appropriate two-digit abbreviation for the unit of issue of the requested item. Unit of issue abbreviations are found in NAVAIR 11-1-116B/ TW010-AA-ORD-030.

CARD COLUMNS 25 THROUGH 29 (QUANTITY). Enter the quantity required. Enter zeros in the unused columns that precede the quantity required.

CARD COLUMNS 30 THROUGH 43 (DOCUMENT NUMBER). The document number is a 14-digit nonduplicative number constructed to identify the service, requisitioner, Julian date, and serial number.

1. Card column 30 (service code). Enter one of the following service codes:

V - Atlantic fleet operating units

N - Navy activities other than fleet operating units, including precommissioned ships

M - Marine Corps activities

Z - Coast Guard activities

2. Card columns 31 through 35 (requisitioner). Enter the five-digit UIC of the requisitioning activity.

3. Card columns 36 through 39 (date). Enter the four digits that represent the Julian date on which the requisition is transmitted to the supply source. The Julian date consists of two elements-the last digit of the calendar year and the numeric consecutive day of the calendar year. For example, 8181 represents 30 June

1988. The numeric consecutive days of the year can be found on government-issue calendar pads.

4. Card columns 40 through 43 (serial). Enter a four-position serial number. Automated ships should use 5000 (series) serial numbers; nonautomated ships should use 8000 (series) serial numbers. Never duplicate the same serial number on the same Julian date.

CARD COLUMN 44 (DEMAND). The demand code shows whether the demand is recurring or nonrecurring. Use demand code R (recurring) when the item requisitioned is for shipfill, mission load, cargo load, or ABSLA allowance. Use N (nonrecurring) when the item requisitioned is clearly a onetime request.

CARD COLUMNS 45 THROUGH 50 (SUPPLEMENTARY ADDRESS). The supplementary address field is a mandatory entry and a multiuse field. Fleet units use this field to indicate where the requisitioned material is to be received and loaded by entering the service code and UIC of the loading activity. Shore activities use this block for local information (such as storage location) by first entering the letter Y in block 14.

CARD COLUMN 51 (SIGNAL). The signal code identifies the activity to which the material is shipped

Table 17-2.-Signal Codes

and/or billed. Table 17-2 provides a list of signal codes and their meaning. Enter the appropriate signal code.

CARD COLUMNS 52 THROUGH 53 (FUND). The Fund code is a two-character code that cites accounting data on Navy requisitions. Fleet units should enter Fund code Y6 and shore activities should enter Fund code 26.

CARD COLUMNS 54 THROUGH 56 (DISTRIBUTION). Distribution field entries serve a dual purpose and are mandatory entries. The first position indicates the monitoring activity, and the other two positions indicate the cognizance symbol of the material being ordered. CINCLANTFLT is the monitoring activity for all ammunition requisitions. Fleet units enter code R and shore activities enter code 8 in card column 54. With this code, CINCLANTFLT receives 100-percent supply and shipment status on the requisition. In card columns 55 and 56, enter the applicable cognizance symbol of the material being ordered. Table 17-3 lists the material and COG symbols.

CARD COLUMNS 57 THROUGH 59 (PROJECT). The Project code is a mandatory entry for identifying the purpose of the requisitioned item. There are several Project codes for requisitioning ammunition. They are all within the 800 series. A few of the more

Table 17-3.-Cognizance Symbols

Table 17-4.-Project Codes

frequently used 800-series Project codes are listed in table 17-4.

CARD COLUMNS 60 and 61 (PRIORITY). The priority designator is a mandatory entry. It expresses the relationship between the requisitioner's assigned force/activity designator (F/AD) and the selected urgency of need designator (UND). F/AD assignment and the UND criteria are defined in OPNAVINST 4614.1 (series) and NAVSUP P-485. The UNDs applicable to the priority requirements are listed in table 17-5.

CARD COLUMNS 62 THROUGH 64 (REQUIRED DELIVERY DATE). The required delivery date (RDD) is a mandatory entry. Enter the specific three-digit Julian date that the material is required by the requisitioner.

CARD COLUMNS 65 AND 66 (ADVICE). An Advice code is an optional code. It provides the supply source with special instructions applicable to the requisitioned item. When these card columns are not

Table 17-5.-UND Equated to Priority Designators

used, they should be left blank. The optional Advice codes are listed in table 17-6.

DATA BLOCKS L THROUGH V (REMARKS). Normally, requisitions should not contain remarks. Enter remarks only when absolutely necessary to identify acceptable substitutes, clarify delivery, or to indicate the planned firing month of training missiles. Avoid including superfluous data that can be coded within the MILSTRIP format. For example, by placing the UIC of the activity where the material is to be delivered in the supplementary address, by using Signal code J, and by providing an RDD, the requisitioner can encode where and when delivery should be made and eliminate any remarks. If remarks are used, you should ensure that a document identifier of AOE or A05 is used.

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