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Turn-In of Ammunition Details

Ammunition details are devices designed to protect explosives and/or facilitate their handling. They include boxes, containers, pallets and accessories, protective caps, tanks, and brass and steel cartridge cases. Many of these items are expensive to procure. It is essential for ammunition users and support activities to cooperate by ensuring these ammunition details are returned for reuse.

NOCINST 8010.2 (series), chapter IV, sections 1 and 2, lists the details and cartridge cases that must be returned. Ships and shore activities outside CONUS that make ammunition expenditures must retain all serviceable or repairable details and, at the earliest opportunity, initiate their shipment to the consignee listed in NOCINST 8010.2. Ammunition details and cartridge cases that are unserviceable or unrepairable should be turned in to the nearest property disposal office as saleable scrap.

Each shipment of ammunition details must be accompanied by a DOD Single-Line Release/Receipt Document, DD Form 1348-1, and prepared as follows:

DATA BLOCKS 23 AND 24. Enter GP.2.

DATA BLOCKS 25 THROUGH 29. Enter 00001.

DATA BLOCKS 30 THROUGH 43. Enter the document number.

DATABLOCK A. Enter the Service code, UIC, and the name of the activity turning in the material.

DATA BLOCK B. Enter the Service code, UIC, and name of the ultimate consignee, if known.

DATA BLOCKS U AND V. Enter SHIP TO CONUS AMMO STOCK POINT when the ultimate consignee is unknown.



DATA BLOCK 5. Enter the number of containers.

DATA BLOCK 11. Enter Service code, UIC, name, and hull number of the ship/activity where the material will be turned in (when not the final destination).




Ships occasionally need to off-load ammunition for temporary storage and custody ashore. When this is necessary, the authority to off-load ammunition for temporary storage and custody ashore must be obtained from both the ship's type commander and from the activity where the material will be stored. The number of days of temporary storage must be stated, not to exceed a maximum of 45 days. If more than the maximum period is desired, an extension may be requested from the type commander.

For transaction reporting and inventory control purposes, ammunition in temporary custody ashore is considered aboard the ship and is carried on the ship's stock records. Therefore, personnel aboard ship do not submit an off-loading transaction report. Consequently, a receiving transaction report is not submitted when the ammunition is physically returned. In the recent past, confusion has resulted when personnel aboard ship forgot certain items were in temporary custody ashore.

Personnel aboard ship must ensure stock record cards are carefully annotated to reflect items in temporary custody ashore.

The activity storing the material must keep all ammunition in temporary custody physically separate. This is necessary because the ammunition is not recorded on the activity's stock records as assets ashore. Rework or maintenance is not done on items temporarily stored ashore nor is unserviceable material replaced. The material is returned to the ship exactly as it was received for temporary custody ashore.

In summary, the primary advantage of temporary storage and custody ashore is that a ship retains its assets. Personnel aboard the ship do not have to reorder and run the risk of not getting everything ordered. The disadvantages are that items can be forgotten and subsequently lost, or items can become suspended/ unserviceable and require last-minute replacement.

DATA BLOCKS 8 THROUGH 22. Enter the NSN of the item. The NSN can be found in TW010-AA-ORD-010/NAVAIR 11-1-116A.

DATA BLOCKS 23 AND 24. Enter the unit of issue. Combatants (such as CVs) should always use the abbreviation RD (rounds) for the unit of issue.

DATA BLOCKS 25 THROUGH 29. Enter the quantity that is turned in.

DATA BLOCKS 30 THROUGH 43. Enter the local document control number.

DATA BLOCKS 55 AND 56. Enter the cognizance symbol of the material.

DATA BLOCKS 57 THROUGH 59. Enter one of the Project codes listed in table 17-9. When none of the Project codes listed in table 17-9 fit the reason for turn-in, leave these data blocks blank

DATA BLOCKS 74 THROUGH 80. Enter the unit price as listed in TW010-AA-ORD-010/NAVAIR 11-1-116A.

DATA BLOCK A. Enter the Service code, UIC, name, and hull number of the ship.

Table 17-9.-Project Codes

DATA BLOCK B. Enter the Service code, UIC, and the name of the ship or activity (hull number, if applicable) that is to receive the material.

DATA BLOCK E. Enter the total extended price by multiplying the unit price by the quantity being shipped.

DATA BLOCK P. Enter the appropriate material Condition code. Material condition codes are listed in Conventional Ammunition Integrated Management System (CAIMS), NOCINST 8010.2 (series), chapter I, section 2, attachment C.

DATA BLOCK U. Enter the DOT class and CG class.

DATA BLOCK V. Enter the lot number and/or serial number, if required. When an air-launch missile is being shipped, the missile serial number and MDD must be entered in this data block. When shipping several missiles, you may have to list the serial numbers and MMDs on a separate sheet of paper and attach it to the reverse side of the DD Form 1348-1.

DATA BLOCK W. Enter the DODIC/NALC of the material. A separate DD Form 1348-1 must be used for each DODIC/NALC shipped.

DATA BLOCK X. Enter the noun name of the item as listed in TW010-AA-ORD-010/NAVAIR 11-1-116A.

DATA BLOCK 2. Enter the type of container used.

DATA BLOCK 5. Enter the number of containers.

DATA BLOCK AA. Enter the Navy ammunition reclassification (NAR) number or other remarks that explain the reason for turn-in.

Immediately upon receipt of a NAR, commands should determine whether stocks on hand include any of the affected lots or types listed on the NAR. Action must be taken to ensure that the use or issue of affected ammunition is consistent with the newly assigned Condition code. When required, package and ship the ammunition as directed by the NAR. Activities are required to make reports regarding NARs. Negative reports are also required.

DATA BLOCK BB. Enter either LIVE AMMO or INERT AMMO, as applicable.

DATA BLOCK FF. For inert items only, enter CERTIFIED TO BE INERT.

DATA BLOCK GG. Enter APPROVED FOR TRANSFER and the name of the person approving the transfer. All turn-ins must be approved for transfer by the signature of the accountable officer or petty officer specified in the activity's organization and regulations


LEARNING OBJECTIVE: Identify transaction reporting procedures and describe the various types of transaction reports, the procedures to be followed when preparing the ammunition master stock record card, and the ammunition lot/location card.

Reports of ammunition transactions form the basis for maintenance of the CAIMS data file. This file, in turn, is the sole source of asset and expenditure information for ammunition logistics management. The high cost and limited availability of many munitions create a need at all command levels for continuous, intensive, and careful management of ammunition. This can only be done if the CAIMS data file is current and reliable. Therefore, it is very important for individual reports of ammunition transactions to be accurately prepared and forwarded in a timely manner. Ammunition reports are normally forwarded by routine message and NOT by speedletter or naval letter.

Western Governors University

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