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The ammunition transaction report (ATR) is prepared in a message format, as prescribed by NOCINST 8010.2 (series), and transmitted electrically. The message report consists of 7 paragraphs. Paragraphs 1 through 5 identify the number of transactions being reported, the serial number of the report, UIC of the reporting activity, the Action Class Code (ACC) of the reporting activity, and the date of the transaction respectively.

Paragraph 6 provides specific information on the type of transaction, type of material, quantity of material involved in the transactions, on-hand assets of the material, and other data pertinent to the transaction. This section may contain one or more lines. Each line corresponds to a single transaction involving one type of material. All reportable transactions should be included in this paragraph, whether or not the items are included in paragraph 7 of the report.

Paragraph 7 is for remarks concerning weapon serial numbers and other explanatory data, as required.

Report Frequency

Whenever an ammunition transaction occurs (transfer, receipt, expenditure, reclassification), an ATR should be submitted within 24 hours. Normally, reports are submitted daily at the end of the flying day. Occasionally, during certain tactical operations, the command restricts message transmissions to those that directly affect a particular operation. This restriction is called MINIMIZE. Transmission of ammunition transaction reports during MINIMIZE is authorized

There are exceptions to submitting ammunition transactions within 24 hours. Ammunition onloaded or off-loaded by AE/AOE/AOR/AOJ/CV class ships in excess of 500 short tons is reportable within 2 days.

Ammunition received by a ship or shore activity for further transfer (FFT) to another ship or shore activity is not reportable, providing it is transferred to the ultimate consignee within 7 days. Ammunition received FFT and held for more than 7 days must be reported as being received. In the remarks paragraph indicate RCVD FM (issuing activity) FFT (consignee). When the subsequent issue is completed, an offsetting report of the issue must be made. Ammunition transferred to an activity FFT to another activity must be reported as an issue. In the remarks paragraph show ISSUED TO (receiving activity) FFT (ultimate consignee).

Ammunition Transaction Report Format

ROUTINE precedence is normally assigned to an ammunition transaction report. However, higher precedence can be assigned when authorized by proper authority. A transaction report is classified only when the data contained in paragraph 6 or 7 of the report is classified. Paragraphs 1 through 5 are always unclassified

A report that contains data in paragraph 6 on complete-round missiles, rockets, or torpedoes is CONFIDENTIAL. These reports should be declassified 6 years after the date-time group of the ammunition transaction report. This should be typed on the ATR at the left-hand margin on the first line after the last line of text as follows: DECL (enter day, month, and year for declassification).

When paragraph 6 contains data on mines or mine components, the ATR must be classified according to OPNAVINSTS5513.7 (series). When data on complete onloads or off-loads is contained in paragraph 6, the

ATR is CONFIDENTIAL and declassified (DECL) after 6 years.

ATRs are CONFIDENTIAL when paragraph 7 contains reports of expenditures of tactical missiles or remarks classified by other directives.

All ATRs should be submitted to NOC Mechanicsburg, Pennsylvania, with an information copy to CINCLANTFLT. Reports submitted by deployed units must also include CINCUSNAVEUR and COMSERVFORSIXTHFLT as information addressees. Reports that contain information relative to lightweight torpedoes must also include the activity's type commander as an information addressee. Reports that contain information relative to mine material must also include COMINEWARCOM and COMOMAG as information addressees. Activities afloat that receive ammunition from or issue ammunition to another afloat activity must ensure the issuing/receiving activity is an information addressee on the ATR.

The subject line of the ATR is SUBJ: AMMO TRANS RPT CINCLANTFLT 8010.4. The remainder of the ATR should be completed in the following format.

Paragraph 1. Enter the number of NALCs included in paragraph 6 of the report. Spell out the numbers. For example, when you are reporting 47 items in paragraph 6, you should make the entry ITEMS: FOUR SEVEN.

Paragraph 2. Enter the sequential serial number of the report. Spell out the digits. Initial ATR serial numbers begin with the number 1 (for a newly commissioned command) and subsequent reports are numbered through 999. At this point, only the sequence will recommence with the number 1. You do NOT revert to serial number 1 at the beginning of a new calendar/fiscal year. All ATRs released from one activity, regardless of ammunition type or activity classification, are numbered in the same sequence. These serial numbers are used by NOC to detect missing reports. For example, you should enter the serial number 897 as SER: EIGHT NINE SEVEN.

Paragraph 3. Enter the UIC. This entry is made by using the check-sum-digit method. For example, assume the UIC is 36725. You should enter this as UIC: 36725/3.

Paragraph 4. Enter the activity classification letter code. Spell out the letter code. For example, ALFA, BRAVO, DELTA. When the day's transactions involve more than one activity classification, you must report each activity classification on separate reports by using the same date but different serial numbers. Refer to table 17-10 for a list of activity Classification codes.

Paragraph 5. Enter the Julian date on which the transaction actually occurred, NOT the date the message is prepared. The Julian date is entered by using the check-sum-digit method. For example, if the transaction occurred on March 20, 1988, the date would be entered as DATE: 88080/4.

Paragraph 6. The data entered in this paragraph must be arranged in columnar format. Each column is lettered from A through N, and a letter must head each column. However, when a column or a number of columns have a zero quantity, it need not be listed. The data to be reported in each column is as follows:

Table 17-10.-Activity Classifications

COLUMN A, Enter the NALC of the item for the transaction being reported. Column A is a mandatory entry. When more than one NALC is being reported, they should be listed alphabetically.

COLUMN B. Enter the quantity on hand as of the last report concerning the item. This quantity is obtained from the sum of column L and column M of the previous report.

COLUMN C. Enter the total number of units received from all sources. This includes receipts moved from one activity classification to another classification, ammunition held more than 7 days for FFT to another activity, and gains by inventory (GBI).

COLUMN D. Enter the total number of units transferred (issued) for custody to another activity, or intra-activity transfers from one activity classification to another. With the exception of lightweight torpedoes, this column does not concern issues to aircraft squadrons. Assets transferred to a non-Navy activity are reported in column K.

COLUMN E. Enter expenditures in support of combat operations or against a hostile target. This includes ammunition jettisoned by an aircraft for the purpose of landing during a combat mission.

COLUMN F. Enter expenditures for training. This includes combat readiness assessment exercises and operational readiness inspections.

COLUMN G. Enter expenditure of material for test and evaluation purposes.

COLUMN H. Enter expenditure of material for noncombat operational purposes (an activity's assigned mission), such as search and rescue, contact evaluation, firepower demonstrations, and humanitarian or lifesaving missions. Firings for which no training allowance is established, such as test primers, pyrotechnics, markers, offensive hand grenades, and saluting charges, are also entered in column H.

COLUMN I. Enter expenditure of material because of destruction, jettison, or deepwater dump. This column should be used only to report actual disposal. It should NOT be used to report transfer of material for disposal. The latter should be reported as an issue.

COLUMN J. Enter expenditure of material because of loss by inventory (LBI). LBIs must be accompanied by amplifying remarks in paragraph 7 of the ATR.

COLUMN K Enter expenditure of material because of transfer/issue to the Army, Air Force, Coast Guard, or foreign governments.

COLUMN L. Enter the quantity of serviceable on-hand assets.

COLUMN M. Enter the quantity of unserviceable/ suspended on-hand material.

COLUMN N. Enter the MILSTRIP document number. NOC maintains an in-transit file of all issues from CONUS shore activities to fleet units. To clear or offset this file, receiving activities must show the MILSTRIP document number for each receipt from a CONUS shore activity, including CV loadouts by an AE/AOE class ship.

You should take care to ensure entries under each report column in paragraph 6 are aligned. When the number of characters in a line exceeds the communications capacity, the columns should be split between columns K and L. This split will place columns L, M, and N on a different line of the report.

When it becomes necessary to correct the quantity on hand as of the last report (column B), appropriate entries are entered in the receipts, issues, or expenditure columns of the current ATR to mathematically balance and adjust the on-hand totals to the correct totals. To ensure all entries are understandable, you can provide narrative remarks in paragraph 7 of the ATR.

You must ensure components reported as combat or training expenditures correctly reflect complete rounds. For example, when your unit expended 100 Mk 82 bombs with mechanical nose fuzes and conical fins, you have to expend each individual component under its respective NALC. You would expend 100 Mk 82 bombs, 100 mechanical nose fuzes, 100 conical fins, and 100 arming wires.

You should ensure transaction reports are submitted when assets are shifted from serviceable to unserviceable. After filling in the appropriate columns, ensure each line in the report is mathematically balanced. For example, columns B+C-D-E-F-G-H-I-J-K = L+M. All entries are in the check-sum-digit format.

Paragraph 7. Enter narrative remarks, as appropriate. All GBIs are identified in this paragraph as well as column C of paragraph 6. All LBIs are identified by an entry in column J of paragraph 6 and a detailed explanation (including the date-time group) of the missing, lost, stolen, recovered (MLSR) report that was submitted. When ammunition is missing, lost, stolen, or recovered, Missing, Lost, Stolen Government Property, Reporting of, SECNAVINST 5500.4 (series), requires that a report be submitted. Paragraph 7 is used to identify activities that issued and/or received the materials. When materials are reclassified you should give the NALC of the item and authorization for the reclassification. This paragraph is also used for reporting items accounted for by serial number, lot number, or registration number.

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