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The M548 container (fig. 7-5) is made of metal. The lid is attached by quick-release latches at both ends.

Figure 7-5.-Ammunition container M548 (typical). 7-5

Required information about the ammunition contained inside is listed on the outside of the container. Do not break the moisture-resistant seal between the lid and the container until the ammunition is to be used.

NOTE: M50 series ammunition is normally packed in the M548 container as loose rounds (not prebelted). The Linkless Ammunition Loading System (LALS) eliminated the requirement for prebelted ammunition.

The rounds are packed in the container in layers. There are cardboard partitions between each layer and between the rounds on all sides of the container. Each round has a tubular-shaped cardboard protector around the projectile. Use these cardboard partitions and tubular protectors when repacking the ammunition in the containers.


LEARNING OBJECTIVE: Identify the components of the linkless ammunition loading system to include loader ammunition transporter, drum loader and drum unload assemblies, and the conveyor system. Identify the operating procedures to follow when loading/downloading the transporter and aircraft gun system.

The Linkless Ammunition Loading System (LALS) (fig. 7-6) consists of a loader ammunition transporter, a drum loader assembly, a conveyor system, and a drum unload assembly. The components of the LALS allow 1,400 rounds of electrically primed, M50-series ammunition to be handled without the use of links while the ammunition is still RADHAZ safe. The system is used to transport ammunition, load and download aircraft, and load and download the loader ammunition transporter.


A brief description of the components in the Linkless Ammunition Loading System (LALS) is contained in the following paragraphs.

Loader Ammunition Transporter

Unfired rounds and/or empty cases are stored in the loader ammunition transporter, also known as the transporter (fig. 7-7). The transporter is primarily intended to move rounds/cases through the exit and

Figure 7-6.-Linkless ammunition loading system (LALS). 7-6

Figure 7-7.-Transporter

entrance ends during operation. Except for size, the transporter is similar to the aircraft drum assembly.

The transporter can be locked onto the MHU-191 transporter or stacked three high for storage purposes. The transporter has an ammunition drum mounted in a rigid-frame drum adapter assembly.

The drum adapter assembly is a box-type structure that allows the transporters to be stacked. Four hinge plates and four quick-release pins are used to lock the transporter onto the MHU-191 transporter. Two lifting lugs (on 30-inch centers) mate with a weapons carrier so that an overhead crane can be used to lift the transporter. Additionally, there are two forklift pockets that allow the forklift truck to move the transporter. There are four tie-down rings to secure the transporter to the deck. Foldout steps, if needed, are located at the exit end of the transporter to provide personnel with the additional height to operate the LALS.

The ammunition drum is a cylindrical structure that consists of an outer drum structure, an inner drum, two scoop disk assemblies, and two cover assemblies.

Western Governors University

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