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The UMMIPSsystem assigns priorities to material movement. Issuing these priorities is a integral and vital part of MILSTRIP. In the movement and issue of material, it is necessary to establish a common basis to determine the relative importance of competing demands for resources of logistics systems. The method for determining the relative importance and urgency of logistics requirements is provided by the priority designator (PD), a two-digit code that ranges from 01 (highest) to 15 (lowest). The priority designator is determined from the urgency of need designator (UND) and the Force/Activity Designator (F/AD), as shown in table 13-1.

Force/Activity Designator (F/AD)
F/AD is a Roman numeral (I-V) that identifies and categorizes a force or activity on the basis of its military importance as shown below:

Urgency of Need Designator (UND)
The Urgency of Need Designator (UND) consists of an uppercase letter "A," "B," or "C." It is selected to indicate the relative urgency of a force's or activity's need for a required item of material. Assignment of UND is the responsibility of the force or activity making the requisition and is derived according to NAVSUP P-485. UNDs and their associated defini- tions are as follows:

Table 13-1.-Listing of Priority Designators
I In Combat
II Positioned for Combat
III Positioned to Deploy/Combat
IV Other Active and Selected Reserve Forces
V All Other

Priority Designator (PD)
PDis a two-digit number (01-highest to 15-lowest) determined by using the table of priority designator shown in table 13-1. For example, if your ship is assigned an F/AD of III and your requirement is of a routine nature, assign priority 13.

In addition to providing standardized criteria for assigning priorities, UMMIPS provides acceptable maximum processing times for use by supply activities in furnishing material. Processing time standards and additional codes used in MILSTRIP and UMMIPS are included in NAVSUP P-485. For additional detailed guidance concerning Force/Activity Designator and Urgency of Need Designator, see OPNAVINST 4614.1.

Western Governors University

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