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ECCHYMOSIS-Asmall hemorrhagic spot, larger than a petechia, in the skin
or mucous membrane, forming a nonelevated, rounded or irregular, blue or
purplish patch.
ELECTROLYTE-A substance that dissociates into ions in solution or when fused, thereby becoming capable of conducting electricity. ELIXIR-An aromatic, sweetened, hydroalcoholic solution containing medicinal substances. EMBOLUS-A clot or other plug brought by the blood from another vessel and forced into a smaller one, thereby obstructing circulation. EMETIC-Asubstance that causes vomiting. EMULSION-Aliquid preparation containing two unmixable liquids, such as oil and water, one of which is dispersed as globules in the other. ENCAPSULATED-Enclosed within a capsule. EPIDEMIOLOGY-The study of epidemics and epidemic diseases. EUPNEA-Ordinary, quiet breathing. EXTENSION-Straightening or unbending, as in straightening the forearm, leg, or fingers. EXTRAVASATION-Adischarge or escape, such as blood from a vessel into the tissue. EXTRICATION-The process of freeing a victim, such as from a wrecked car or flooded compartment. FLEXION-Bending, as in bending an arm or leg. FOMITE-Anobject, such as a book, wooden object, or an article of clothing, that is not in itself harmful, but is able to harbor pathogenic microorganisms and thus may serve as an agent of transmission of an infection. FUMIGATION-The destruction of disease-producing animals or insects by gaseous agents. FUNGICIDE-Adrug that kills fungus. FUSION-Melting. GAVAGE-Introducing a substance into the stomach through a tube. GLYCOSURIA-Glucose in the urine. GRAM-POSITIVE-Amicroorganism that is stained by Gram's crystal
violet. HEMATEMESIS-Vomiting bright red blood. HEMIPLEGIA-Loss of motion and sensation of one side of the body. HEMOLYSIN-Substance that breaks down red blood cells, thereby liberating hemoglobin. HEMOPTYSIS-Coughing up bright red blood. HEMOSTATICS-Drugs that control external bleeding by forming an artificial clot. HISTOLOGY-The microscopic study of tissue structure. HYDROTHERAPY-The scientific use of water in the treatment of disease.
HYPOGLYCEMIA-Low blood sugar. HYPOTENSION-Low blood pressure. HYPOXIA-Low oxygen content or tension; deficiency of oxygen in the inspired air. IMMISCIBLE-Incapable of being mixed. IMMUNITY-A defense mechanism of the body which renders it resistant
to INAPPARENT INFECTION-An infection with no detectable clinical symptoms, even though the causative infectious agent may be identifiable with laboratory examinations. It is also known as an asypmtomatic or subclinical infection. INCIDENCE RATE-The number of specific disease cases diagnosed and reported in a specific population in a defined period of time. It is usually expressed as cases per 1,000 or 100,000 annually. INCISION-Acut, or a wound produced by cutting with a sharp
instrument. INDURATION-An abnormally hard spot or place. INFECTION-Acondition resulting when pathogens enter body tissues, multiply, and cause injury to cells. INFECTIOUSAGENT-Anorganism capable of producing infection or disease.
INFESTATION-The establishment and multiplication of small animals or arthropods (especially insects and rodents) on the body, clothing, or habitat of individuals or animals. INGUINAL-Pertaining to the abdomen. INTEGUMENTARY (SYSTEM)-The skin and its accessory structures, including hair and nails. INTRADERMAL-Into the dermis. ISOLATION-Procedures taken to separate infected persons or animals, dispose of their secretions, and disinfect or sterilize the supplies, equipment, utensils, etc., used for their care, in order to prevent the spread of disease to susceptible persons or animals. Different procedures may be required for the specific infectious agent involved. ISOTONIC-Asolution having the same salinity as whole blood. |
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