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Vectors are added to determine the magnitude and direction of the resultant.

EO 1.3ADD vectors using the following methods: a. Graphical

Vector Addition

Component vectors are added to determine the resultant vector. For example, when two or more forces are acting on a single object, vector addition is used to determine the direction and magnitude of the net (resultant) force on the object. Consider an airplane that travels due east for 100 miles at 500 mph, then NE for 50 miles at 400 mph, and finally north for 500 miles at 500 mph. Vector addition can be used to determine the net distance the airplane is from its point of origin or to predict when it will arrive at its destination.

Methods Used to Add Vectors

Several methods have been developed to add vectors. In this chapter, the graphic method will be explained. The next chapter will explain the component addition method. Either one of these methods will provide fairly accurate results. If a high degree of accuracy is required, an analytical method using geometric and trigonometric functions is required.

Western Governors University

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