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Certain basic preparations relative to the magnitude and complexity of the job must be performed before any leveling survey is under-taken. Proper planning and thorough identification of the procedures to be followed in all phases of the work are essential to the success of the leveling operation. Participating in this preparatory work will also enhance the experience and increase the capabilities of the crew members. Some of the preparations you must be familiar wit h are discussed in the next several paragraphs.


The size of your leveling party will depend upon such variables as the order of accuracy required and the number of experienced personnel available. Ordinarily, the smallest crew may consist of two individuals: an instrumentman and a rodman. To improve the efficiency of the leveling operations, additional personnel are required. The addition of a second rodman to alternate on backlights (BSs) and foresights (FSs) will speed up leveling. If you add a recorder, the instrumentman will be able to take readings as soon as the rodmen are in position. In surveys requiring a shaded instrument, an umbrellaman is required.

Duties of the Instrumentman

An instrumentman, or levelman, runs the level and makes adjustments required for proper operation. He makes certain that no stations are omitted, that turning points (TPs) are properly selected, and that BMs are properly established and identified. The levelman is usually designated by the EA1 or EAC to act as the chief of the party. When a two-man leveling party uses a self-reading rod, the levelman is also the recorder. However, if a target rod is used, the rodman usually acts as the recorder. A good levelman keeps within the required limits of error.

As chief of the party, you must be alert to recognize common problems encountered in the field and be able and ready to solve them using the best solution. Your sound judgment and proper course of action in handling these field problems will influence the quality of your survey and the meeting of your survey schedules.

Western Governors University

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