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Now that you have become relatively familiar with your equipment and materials, it is time to get started by attaching your drafting paper to the board. The sheet should be placed close to the left edge of the drafting board. Working in this area makes the T square easier to handle and reduces the likelihood of error because of T square "swing." The drafting sheet should be far enough from the bottom of the board (about 3 in.) to ensure firm support for the head of the T square when you are drawing at the lower part of the sheet. A drawing sheet properly attached to the board on which a T square is used is shown in figure 3-2. After aligning the drawing sheet, smooth out any wrinkles and fasten the four corners with short strips of drafting tape. If you are attaching large sheets, you should place

Figure 3-2.-Attaching drafting paper to the board.

additional strips of tape at the top and bottom edges of the sheet. Drafting tape has a lighter coating of adhesive than does masking tape. Consequently, it will hold the drawing firmly, yet can be removed without tearing or marring the drawing. If you use masking tape or transparent tape, leave a large margin in the event you tear the paper when removing the tape. When placed diagonally across the corners of the sheet, as shown in figure 3-2, the drafting tape offers little obstruction to movement of the T square and triangles. Avoid the use of thumbtacks; they will eventually ruin the drafting board.

If you are using a parallel straightedge or draft-ing machine instead of a T square, the procedure just described is the same with one exception. Instead of placing the paper close to the left edge of the board, you should place it approximately at the midpoint of the length of the parallel straightedge or in the center of the drawing board surface when you are using a drafting machine.


The draftsmans horizontal line is constructed by drawing from left to right along the working

Figure 3-3.-Construction of basic lines.

edge of a T square, as shown in figure 3-3, view A. This working edge, when true, is perpendicular to the working edge of the drafting board. When you draw horizontal lines, keep the working edge of the T square head in firm contact with the working edge of the drafting board. The pencil should be inclined to the right at an angle of about 60 degrees, with the point close to the junction of the working edge and the paper. Hold the pencil lightly and, if it was sharpened with a conical point, rotate it slowly while drawing the line to achieve a uniform line width and preserve the shape of the point. Normally, when a series of horizontal lines is being drawn, the sequence of drawing is from the top down.

Western Governors University

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