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Use of the French Curve

The french curve is used to draw a smooth line through predetermined points. After the points are plotted, a light pencil line should be sketched to connect the points in a smooth flowing line. To draw the finished line over the freehand line, match the various parts of the french curve to various segments of the freehand curve. Avoid abrupt changes in curvature by placing the short radius of the french curve toward the short radius portion of the line to be drawn. Change your position around the drawing board when

necessary so that you can work on the side of the french curve that is away from you. You should avoid working on the "under" side of the french curve. Place the french curve so that it intersects at least two points of the line. When drawing the line along the edge of the french curve, stop short of the last point intersected. Then move the french curve along to intersect two or three more points and make sure that the edge of the curve connects smoothly with the line already drawn. When using the irregular curve, you can draw a perfectly smooth curved line by plotting enough points (the

Figure 3-10.-Use of the french curve.

sharper the curve, the more points you need) and by drawing in shorts steps.

Figure 3-10 shows how a smooth line is drawn through a series of plotted points. The french curve in view A matches points 1, 2, 3, and 4. Draw a line from 1 to 3 only (not to 4). At B, the curve matches points 3 to beyond 4. Draw a line from 3 to 4 only (not to 5). At C, it matches points 4, 5, and 6. Draw a line from 4 to just short of 6.

At D, it matches a point short of 6 to beyond

7. Draw a line from 6 to 7.

At E, it matches a point short of 7 to beyond

9. Draw a line from 7 to 9.

At F, it matches a point short of 9 to beyond

11. Draw a line from 9 to 11.

You will probably notice how the french curve is turned over and reversed to find portions that fit the points on the line with increasing or decreasing changes in curvature.

When you are drawing a curved line that extends into a straight line, the curve should be drawn first, and the straight line joined to it.

Western Governors University

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