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Once You have set the compass to the exact radius of the circle, handle it very carefully so that you dont disturb the setting. Set the needlepoint at the center of the circle and carefully rotate the compass to draw a line describing the circumference of the circle. Do not apply too much pressure on the needlepoint or it will bore a hole in the paper and you will lose the accurate center mark. To keep the diameter of the hole to a minimum, you may set the needlepoint of the compass on a small strip of paper or thin cardboard over the drafting sheet at the center of the circle.

When you are using the pencil leg to draw circles smaller than 1 in. in radius, keep the adjustable pencil and needle legs straight. For larger circles, both legs should be adjusted so that they are perpendicular to the paper. On the other hand, when you are using the compass with the pen leg, you MUST adjust it at the hinge joint to keep it perpendicular to the paper for all size

Figure 3-9.-Drawing a circle in ink.

circles. (See fig. 3-9, view A.) If the pen is not perpendicular to the paper, ink will not flow properly. To draw large circles, insert the extension bar in the pen or pencil leg, as shown in figure 3-9, view B. When the extension bar is used to draw large circles, the process of using the compass with only one hand becomes awkward. You should use both hands, as shown in figure 3-9, view B.

Western Governors University

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